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06/22/10 4:48 PM

#494846 RE: StephanieVanbryce #494845

what are you talkng about ? bush didn;t leave this debt to obama obama and the dems have borrow so much we may never be able to pay it back


06/22/10 4:48 PM

#494847 RE: StephanieVanbryce #494845

most democratic congressmen voted for the budgets that were past during those 8 years


06/22/10 4:51 PM

#494849 RE: StephanieVanbryce #494845

maybe you should study this


06/25/10 11:31 AM

#495901 RE: StephanieVanbryce #494845

You liberals are all the same...can't take

responsibility for your own actions. When
will President Obama. How many years will
it take before you will get off this Bush
kick. Do you know how embarrassing that
is to him, to constantly and relentlessly
blame this on the former president. It makes
it look like we have a first grader in charge...
hummmmmmmm, perhaps we do.

Please give me a statute of limitations so you
libs will take a drink of 'shut the hell up'
on this stuff so we can move forward, together,
as a country.