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01/17/05 12:43 PM

#91383 RE: Sammdogg #91380

Sammdogg; here's how it works at the Dallas Court:

1. At the court house, find the "Court Records" or "Court Filings" Department
2. Fill in a standard request form that asks about your name and the case #/filing # that you want to see. Ask for the whole file, it's quite small. (Cases # 5:2004mc00029 and 5:2004mc00032). Both are Nokia vs Sony Ericsson.
3. You cannot take the records out of the visitor area but, in Dallas, there is a copy machine (and change machine) in that area where you can make copies of any pages (25 cents/page here).

From the equivalent filings that Nokia made in Dallas TX against Ericsson, there shouldn't be any surprises in the NC filings. It would be interesting to find out if the NC court rejected Nokia's motion. It did in Dallas.

So don't make a long or inconvenient trip. However, if you want to see your tax dollars at work, enjoy the ride! As the NC filings are not in electronic form, you might want to think about scanning any copies you make otherwise you will have to transcribe anything of interest.

BTW, if possible, take along another IDCC investor. That's how I met Chartex and later Ghors - both great guys.
Hope this helps, JK