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06/10/10 4:01 AM

#323078 RE: Stock Lobster #323077

BP: We are key to US oil needs, says BP

By Sam Fleming
10 June 2010, 8:32am

BP raised the stakes in its desperate political struggle with Capitol Hill as it revealed how crucial the Gulf of Mexico is to America's energy security.

In its annual energy outlook, BP said deepwater fields similar to the Gulf's stricken Macondo prospect last year helped the US enjoy its strongest oil output boost since 1970.

Gulf fields saw the most stellar jump in production of any global oil region.

The intervention comes amid a mounting political firestorm over the drilling disaster in the Gulf's Macondo prospect.

President Barack Obama has imposed a moratorium on new deepwater drilling licences as he attempts to quell fury over the spill.

Managing director Iain Conn yesterday maintained it is too soon to say if BP's future in the Gulf of Mexico could be 'curtailed' thanks to the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

But he said that as the Gulf's leading operator BP has a 'phenomenal toolkit' at its disposal.

Industry advocates, including BP, are trying to hammer home the critical strategic significance of the Gulf to America's energy supplies, amid fears the backlash over the Macondo disaster could impede long-term efforts to bolster the country's crude production.

The US last year saw a 7% surge in oil output thanks to deepwater Gulf wells, taking output to 7.2m barrels a day, BP figures show.

The US also became the world's biggest gas producer, overtaking Russia, thanks to the unlocking of onshore 'shale' reserves with advanced technology.

But BP's efforts to defend its turf in America will remain deeply forlorn as long as it struggles to stem the inky tide escaping from the Macondo well.

The US government has now told the firm it needs to put in place tanker capacity to capture 28,000 barrels of oil a day. That would dwarf earlier estimates suggesting only 5,000 barrels were leaking from the well.

BP shares finished below 400p for the first time since 2008, taking the total loss in market value to £50bn. The stock ended down 17p to 391.90p.

More than 40 lawmakers have written to chief Tony Hayward demanding the company suspends dividends in order to divert the cash to the Gulf relief effort.

Questions surround the future of the BP chief executive, who has been turned into a hate figure in America because of repeated gaffes. This week Obama said he would have fired Hayward by now.

Conn declined to comment when asked whether he could succeed Hayward. Instead, he praised him for doing a 'robust' job leading the firm.

He added: 'We have a tremendously strong level of solidarity around the board table.'

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