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06/05/10 11:43 PM

#207228 RE: Echo20 #207164

barclay's rothschild! and weasel is on lehmans case too. funny how the preferreds dont trade much on lehman. and i feel lehman will be bigger than wamu. with the latest saying 3 percent of lehman assets equates to 31 billion dollars! the pref's are going to hit big imo. i think weasel's seeing what he could get away with in the wamu case before really doing anything on lehman. hiding docs seems to be an ongoing theme. we are the case that will set case law for lehman and any other bank they try to takedown with a holding company. and if they want these rulings kept off the books so they can continue the fleecing of america for the house of rothschild then they must pay and pay big!!!