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06/02/10 12:56 PM

#12691 RE: Gopherbroke #12690

im not trying to be rude but i am frustrated so i had my caps on. no disrespect to anyone here by my CAPS button. sorry guys! mwah mwah!


06/02/10 12:56 PM

#12692 RE: Gopherbroke #12690

there has got to be something the good folks at MOP are not telling us.

You mean the informal SEC investigation?


06/02/10 1:06 PM

#12703 RE: Gopherbroke #12690

exactly, numbers on ecuador: no p.r. will be more favorable than an update on how the cleaning of the amazon spill is going. NOT GOOD TO GIVE LIMITED DETAILED INFO, MORE DETAILS TAKE TIME TO COLLECT. PLUS THIS TIME I BELIEVE THEY WILL MAKE SURE MOPN IS REALIZE AS AN ACTUAL PLAYER IN THE MARKET


06/02/10 1:07 PM

#12704 RE: Gopherbroke #12690

that is a good point to much silence could be something big . just reminded of when IBM came to Microsoft to create windows right before that meeting they met with apple and Jobs refused to sign a gag order not to discuses the project so they went with Microsoft the reason i bring it up is if it is a public company that they might be talking to they might not be allowed to say anything .so i guess the waiting has to go on till the big news comes out . by the way only speculating here , but some updates are in order to stop this blood letting and renew confidence on the street as well as it's shareholder much is the Ecuadorean deal worth? what are you doing with the revenue what is the revenue? whats going on with gulf as far as expected revenues ? these are the questions i want to know . besides your purchase how many others purchases where made in the first quarter ? ???????? but as far as a real company never had to question that