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05/31/10 11:00 AM

#204346 RE: go_wamu #204334

From the Great Society:
(Society = a socialist system.)
To the Great Lie: Yes, We Can.

We can:
get lied to by a lawyer we are paying for and working against us.

I dont care if JPM opened WMB's books and found dirt on WMI BOD.
I just dont care.

Yes, BOD could have had free loans or under-priced loans or shady stock deals. I just dont care.

I want to milk JPM for all its worth, Because thats justice.
I want the F'DIC exposed. Because thats justice.
I dont care if its takes months, I want justice.

I want JMW to stand up for justice, not her current BS stance of letting WEIL give away billions of dollars, because it keeps A<L and makes the math and the process simplier.

This was one the largest BK, it should be complex. WEIL, the lazy POS lawyers, and WMI BOD are looking for a quick fix.

No, They can't.