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05/30/10 5:04 AM

#949 RE: OakesCS #944

To shut all the rigs down, send crews home then try to mobilize in 6 months time to me is increasing risk. You may not get all the experienced hands back. Overseas operations are going ahead and are in need of the good experienced hands. Increasing green hands on the rigs increases risk.
This is a solution put together by people who do not understand in my opinion.
The industry has already reacted to lessons learned so far.
In Brazil, Petrobras is asking for subsea tests on ROV intervention fittings, surface tests are being logged more closely on all emergency systems.
A lot of work is being done on working rigs to put together proposals to the various drilling contractors for procedural changes to prevent any more series of mistakes which led to this problem. The world deepwater drilling fleet represents a high tech brains trust and shutting it down and sending everybody home will not make it safer when work resumes.
As far as I can see all the problems were some form of human error and giving everyone 6 months off will not improve that. The equipment and procedures were already in place before the incident to prevent it, they just need to install honest oversight and checks to reinforce that things are done correctly.
I guess that would be too easy.


05/31/10 7:14 AM

#960 RE: OakesCS #944

One company for whom the timing of the deepwater moratorium might not be bad is HES. The reason: HES would’ve had to cease drilling the Pony exploration well in the Green Canyon area a few days from now anyhow because the rig was contracted out to another operator for six months. If the moratorium is not extended beyond six months—and if prior contractual schedules for deepwater rigs are kept—HES could get the rig back right around the time the moratorium is lifted.


07/22/10 3:00 PM

#1349 RE: OakesCS #944

Charlie et al: There was an intriguing segment on CLB’s CC about perforation technology, but I didn’t understand what they were talking about.

If you could listen to the 3-minute portion of the webcast starting at 40:55 and give me your feedback, I would greatly appreciate it:

T.i.a. Dew