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01/10/05 11:04 AM

#881 RE: Torvecian #880

Hmmm, yes but revenue and market cap do come together at some point in such a venture. The IPO market may love the concept but they'll be looking for those contracts to juice the top line and generate profits within a reasonable period.

My question was more to the point of attempting to put together a valuation on the whole company at this time. Hence my interest in the figures you used.

Is it unreasonable to assume the following valuation (this partially in response to 3toschool's msg#755):

TOVC: $6 to $10
IVT-DC: +$8 to $12
IVT-GC +$8 to $12
Iso-Torque +$10 to $15
AAS +$5 to $10
ICE +$3 to $5
SG-CVJ +$3 to $5

Total $43 to $69

Torvecian, given your familiarity with the company and the marketplace, do such incremental valuations seem reasonable? If, as you suggest, a series of events begins to unfold, it sure seems like the top four could be involved, again, without any consideration of the limited availablity of stock, let alone the future of the FTV.