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Claypool Reservoir

05/25/10 1:32 PM

#48455 RE: CaptainJim #48453

I doubt they RS anytime soon now will they raise the A/S? more than likely thats what will happen next, but there is plenty of time before an R/S is in order.


05/26/10 12:22 PM

#48466 RE: CaptainJim #48453

I have to agree with you Captain Jim. I have stopped playing pennies because of reverse splits but have no choice but to hold on to what I have right now due to low price. I had one stock where 300,000 shares reverse split twice and left me 3 shares. 3 SHARES! Have watched 5 pennies I owned r/s and not one is profitable and some have bankrupted.

Anyone saying a r/s is a good thing is wrong. We buy all these shares for a chance to make money and the company puts the screws to you and takes them away. He should just play it out and keep his stockholders in mind.