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ergo sum

09/19/02 9:34 PM

#607 RE: j.c. #606


You know I got a kind of twisted mind.

If you take that there "mandate" and take a look at the Telecomunications Act of 1996 you will begin to realize that those two little pieces of legislation caused people to think that investing in telecomunications was the place to be. One thing lead to another and the stock market well, it went up a little.

Then the crooks started cooking the books and bating the public with their hooks.

Here's where I get a little twisted. Because it was right around that time that the press got a hold of a little story about the presidents, ah infidelity.
So while most people where yelling and screaming about that no body was watching the store. Kind of worked out well for the crooks don't you think.

Have fun
Ergo Sum

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09/19/02 9:46 PM

#608 RE: j.c. #606

Castle, in answer to your question, those who will benefit most will be the companies who make and sell the new technology, not consumers. While there will be a small increase in picture quality, that increase will not be worth the expense in my opinion, but our government is going to shove this down our throats so that they can sell more radio frequencies and get more money with which to buy our votes.
There is nothing we consumers can do about it. It is a done deal.