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janice shell

05/21/10 8:40 PM

#307923 RE: mretgnol #307921

Good God. This wasn't included in last night's "update". Seems Billy the Kid is the "Paymaster". Just how silly can these people get?

May 19, 2010


VIA FACSIMILE ONLY (202) 456-2461

Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

I write to you again this morning because your immediate assistance is required to ensure prompt dissemination of the World Global Settlements.

As I have previously stated, I represent some 50,000 shareholders who are to be paid a settlement which consists mainly of monies collected from banks, brokerages, hedge fund corps, market makers, the Depository Trust Corporation/Federal Reserve, and various billionaire “naked-shorter” individuals, as well as some monies due from the SEC for damages.

These various monies collected have been swept into the World Global Settlements, resulting in a substantial payment delay.

I am currently advised and understand the following:

• A portion of the World Global Settlement funds have been collected and are presently held in the custody of a Richmond, VA bank.

• Said funds are sufficient to cover all disbursements to be made by the authority of one Lindell H. (Bill) Bonney, Sr., the Paymaster.

• Mr. Bonney has spent more than eight weeks over the past three months, in Richmond, for the purpose of consummating these transfers.

• Mr. Bonney has, at the direction of the Pentagon, London, et. al., recently returned to Richmond to consummate the transfers and is standing by to do so.

• Mr. Bonney has been, most recently, directed to complete his monetary transfer duties by the conclusion of this date; again, he is standing by to do so.

• Mr. Bonney was advised this morning, by the referenced bank, that the bank could not allow the transfers to be made until authority was received directly from the White House.

• I am advised that you have previously given written approval of these transfers; accordingly, I am not aware of any further basis for delay.

Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
May 19, 2010
Page Two

I am persuaded by the above facts, that only your direct intervention will be efficacious in bringing this matter to conclusion. Mr. President, please provide your authority and direction to those who continue to frustrate completion of these World Global Settlements

Mr. President, the people elected you for reasons of your promises, your apparent integrity, your conviction to help the American people uphold justice, and to return this Nation to its pre-eminent world status. Please use your good offices to ensure these “Settlements” are disseminated without further delay.




Cc: Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.
Bcc: Michael Cottrell