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05/19/10 11:04 PM

#16259 RE: scottmba #16256

I have many concerns mainly proof of 3D pictures and live application especially that since 1995 Dean has been advertising a 3D instant application and no one has seen it, seems like the aliens that always land where no one is around.(Mike said that Dean is working on a 3D video as we speak at his house) My other concerns is the finacial shape and the hope of the company lies on one product i.e feast or famine but it is not unusual for a start up company.(Mike said that there is 1.8 Mil in reserves under Deans name) Other concerns are of course the new Alliance Co. and Mr. Altounian reputation. The 107 million shares sold at .025 (1/3 of the outstading shares, ouch),the inability of the company to raise more public money, plus all the shares that Dean and other associates own that can be cashed before all of us.
Guys , this is a very tough call, mistakes have been made, they are red flags all over the place but remember microsoft and Apple started in their garage too and if it was easy everyone will do it. I know that at the present location that I visited today, Dean will not be able to mass produce, it is too small. lets see what Dean has to say on his next video that is being recorded on Friday that will proabably air on Monday. I beleive this video will be the last straw for a lot of investors. I had a great conversation with Mike and he understands all my concerns, Only FDA approval will be able to put my concerns to rest.