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05/19/10 11:39 PM

#16260 RE: gdsgds #16259

Why would the FDA care if you posted images from a device you are working on?

Do a quick google search on "devices awaiting FDA approval" and you'll see everybody is posting information, images and videos of the work they are submitting.

In previous conference calls Dean had tlaked about how he would post the images "soon." NOw all of a sudden the FDA will not approve because images of what it does are being shared with potential investors.

It doesn;t add up


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05/20/10 1:24 AM

#16270 RE: gdsgds #16259

gdsgds: Please see my comments

I have many concerns mainly proof of 3D pictures and live application especially that since 1995 Dean has been advertising a 3D instant application and no one has seen it, seems like the aliens that always land where no one is around.(Mike said that Dean is working on a 3D video as we speak at his house)

See the IMGGorBust post

My other concerns is the finacial shape and the hope of the company lies on one product i.e feast or famine but it is not unusual for a start up company.(Mike said that there is 1.8 Mil in reserves under Deans name)

Financial is not concern at all.
Till 2011 year end, they are not diluting. That's a great news. when you look at the all the startup bio-tech/pharma play. Trust me. Right now, All the start-up biotech/pharma companies in the market regularly diluting to get the equity financing.

Dean on the other hand, he is getting the loan against his personal shares to pay off the overhead & day-to-day operations. He has not sold single share. And his friends & family whoever part of the PPM shares didn't sell and they are waiting buyout offer and for the huge payout. And also, even if he goes for production until buyout finalized, the buyer has to make (I believe it is 50% of the product cost) upfront payment. No working capital issue at all.

When you look at the share price volume, huge sell-off did not happen after April 6th. MM's and shorters are using the downtrend to grab cheaper shares and making profit in the downtrend by selling at the bids. Astute & experienced investors are loading & accumulating now for the big reward.

Other concerns are of course the new Alliance Co. and
Mr. Altounian reputation. The 107 million shares sold at .025 (1/3 of the outstading shares, ouch),the inability of the company to raise more public money, plus all the shares that Dean and other associates own that can be cashed before all of us.

They are not going to sell it until buyout closes since it will be a huge premium with then market price of the share.
1) First catalyst is approval news
2) stock price will not pull back a lot after it hits huge price since there is swirling rumor about buyout offer in the market for IMGG.

Guys , this is a very tough call, mistakes have been made, they are red flags all over the place but remember microsoft and Apple started in their garage too and if it was easy everyone will do it. I know that at the present location that I visited today, Dean will not be able to mass produce, it is too small.

Dean can produce upto 150 machines from burbank facility which is 75 million $ first year revenue. If they can setup offshore and manufacturing partnership, it will be a hugh revenue it they plan for production.

lets see what Dean has to say on his next video that is being recorded on Friday that will proabably air on Monday. I beleive this video will be the last straw for a lot of investors. I had a great conversation with Mike and he understands all my concerns, Only FDA approval will be able to put my concerns to rest.
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05/20/10 9:55 AM

#16281 RE: gdsgds #16259

So again the voodoo economics of IMgg doesnt disturb anyone? It's apparent the cash postition is at a critical level and we are now relying on Dean to fund the company...that's Great!

Your right apple did start in garage but they were smart enough to start making units in a very short time. Gates just bluffed his way into buying an OS and repackaged it to make a fortune. Both showed us what they had in the form of demos, etc. DEan showing us 2d images existing machinery can generate??

BTW WHERE WAS THE CEO on a day we are all expecting word? Off at Alliance I bet..How many employees did you see? Was the CFO there...only Mike and Becky?