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05/16/10 8:54 PM

#121552 RE: cygnus_1 #121551

Yes, by all means, take your chances with the U.S. Government, who have a proven track record of how well they manage everything they are associated with... the tax code is a joke it's so complex... the Social Security system is near insolvency... the Medicare system, well, we all now how well that is managed... the IRS is so many years behind ensuring taxpayer compliance, I know individuals who didn't file for several years, and it took over 3 years for the IRS to contact them. The government that has no accountability to anyone for the obscene federal deficits they incur. And their latest venture is getting into the automobile production and investment banking business, as well as being the largest provider of health insurance (see previous mention of the farce called Medicare for a clue how well that will go).

Now you're telling me the the government-run SEC is competent to effectively prosecute Sanswire for crimes committed by individuals who are no longer associated with the company? In case you were asleep for the past couple of years, this is the same regulatory agency that allowed Bernie Madoff to commit fraud and bilk investors out of $65 billion, while ignoring 9 years of repeated attempts by Harry Markopolos, an independent financial fraud investigator for institutional investors, to report his findings that something was seriously wrong. Not only did the SEC fail to uncover the fraud, their investigations were shall we say "enormously incompetent". It took Madoff's own sons contacting the FBI to uncover the massive fraud perpetrated on investors.

Now you'd have us believe the SEC is now magically competent and will bring Sanswire to justice by shutting them down. I hate to break the news to you, but the fraud was committed by people no longer with the company. And before you begin barking the Leinwand angle... don't you think with over 3 years of investigation, if the SEC had found anything to charge him with, they would have by now? Perhaps you expect charges against Leinwand to be announced during the trial in a surprise move by the SEC? LMAO

Copy all of my posts you want to the SEC. As an American citizen, I have the right of free speech, and my opinion of the SEC's competence is clearly a result of their demonstrated incompetence, in part as described above. The mere fact that they have spent so much of the taxpayer's money to drag this case on for years speaks volumes as to their competence, in my opinion. They are not interested in shutting down Sanswire. They are only interested in payment of a fine, because their own bottom line is all that matters to them.

Feel free to copy this post as well. Given your track record of contacting those you claim to contact, I find myself not worried in the least you'll actually follow through.