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05/15/10 7:13 PM

#318660 RE: Tuff-Stuff #318658

Obama and a Lot of Others Need Their Pay Stopped Due to Incompetency

"Why is it that you refuse to obey our demands and do as you please?”

y Jerry McConnell Saturday, May 15, 2010

If I were ever given an opportunity to ask Mr. Obama a direct question it would take a while to formulate one that I could get the most expectation of getting an appropriate response instead of one of his “wise-guy” answers.

The question that follows here is probably very low in probability of getting a proper answer but high in the likelihood of getting a question for an answer, such as “Are you out of your freaking mind?”

The question I would ask would be: “Given that you would have to admit that the United States taxpaying citizens are the ones that pay the salary for you and your total staff, as well as perks and benefits; why is it that you refuse to obey our demands and do as you please?”

And for a follow-up question I would ask: “How would you respond if a majority of the taxpaying citizens insisted that the pay and allowances for you and your staff be held in abeyance until you conform to their demands?”

And why shouldn’t we expect a fair and deliberate answer to a fair and deliberate question? In any other occupation the person who pays an employee for working services rendered, i.e., “the boss” has a right to demand that the server, i.e., “the grunt or vassal” perform his duties in a manner satisfactory to the one who is paying for them.

I just find it inconceivable that this Administration, and really the legislative and judicial areas included, are not doing what they are actually getting paid to do; and that is what their employer (the taxpaying citizens) has told them to do.

We the taxpaying citizens, voicing in a majority status, instructed Mr. Obama to not continue pressing for the healthcare legislation that an equally guilty of non-compliance Congress structured and illicitly moved through a partisan and complicit group of lackeys under duress, and threat of disfavor in fear of retribution. That alone provided enough rebellion against authority to cause a pay stoppage for the perpetrators.

But wait, as the TV pitchmen spout, there’s more. How about an Attorney General who threatens one of our 50 valid states with the possibility of a lawsuit just because it exercised its sovereign right to pass a law that corrects a failure of the federal government to accept its Constitutional responsibility to perform for the protection of that state? And to complicate or obfuscate matters somewhat, suppose that same Attorney General has made this declaration of threat to a sovereign state of this republic accusing the state of ‘racism’, ‘profiling’, and fear that the new law is “subject to abuse.”

Wow! Subject to abuse. Sure wouldn’t want that, would we? But what about the abuse that the particular state is already taking from the unwanted and criminally illegal aliens who break our border security laws, come into our country uninvited, raid, pillage, damage, steal, rob, cause bodily injury and even death to bona fide, legitimate property owning citizens of the United States?

What about that, Mr. Holder? How would you like it if we the citizens withheld the pay you receive from our taxpayer dollars? I think we should have the authority to do that for the actions you suggest taking that are against the wishes of a great majority of Americans.

And further, Mr. Attorney General by appointment not through election by the people of this country that have to pay taxes for your compensation that so far has been far less than satisfactory; other areas where you lack any efficiency in performance is in pressing for legal action against another person where a case is screaming for justice and investigation, to wit: the offer of a bribe by a very high level government official to a person who filed as a candidate to run against a tired old man who is no longer trustworthy or proficient as a United States Senator.

Or how about the, May 14, 2010 report that “Despite crediting the Pakistani Taliban with fostering the recent failed car bombing in Times Square, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was reluctant Thursday to say radical Islam was part of the cause of that and other recent attacks?”

What does it take to get you to remove the blinders, Mr. Attorney General? Are you afraid someone might call that ‘profiling’? Or are you afraid your radical Muslim-favoring boss in the White House might scold you? Well, what about your REAL bosses; the ones that pay your hefty salary, Mr. AG; don’t you have any consideration for their feelings about getting taken for a ride and not getting any satisfaction or results?

You, Sir, deserve a good old fashioned trip-to the-woodshed scolding from your employers who have to foot the bill to keep you in your luxurious lifestyle; along with a whole lot of others in the three branches of our government, for inefficient and negligence of duty.

We the people hope we can change that in November.
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05/15/10 7:16 PM

#318663 RE: Tuff-Stuff #318658

House Speaker Pelosi says “every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory,” to ensure that America achieves these emission mandates.

Hey Nancy~~~~~KMA