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05/15/10 1:22 PM

#318637 RE: Kujo #318635

ROFLMAO...nice KJ..:-)
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Stock Lobster

05/15/10 1:22 PM

#318638 RE: Kujo #318635

ROFL! Thank you :)
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05/15/10 1:24 PM

#318639 RE: Kujo #318635

THAT is phunny !!!
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Stock Lobster

05/15/10 2:17 PM

#318647 RE: Kujo #318635

Google-watch:"Spooks on board at Google - Google acquires CIA-linked company"

October, 2004: Google acquires CIA-linked company

Google has acquired Keyhole, Inc., which has a database of 3-D spy-in-the-sky images from all over the globe. Their software provides a virtual fly-over and zoom-in with one-foot resolution.

Keyhole is supported by In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm funded by the CIA, in an effort to "identify and invest in companies developing cutting-edge information technologies that serve United States national security interests."

In 2003, Keyhole's CEO John Hanke was quoted in an In-Q-Tel press release: "Keyhole's strategic relationship with In-Q-Tel means that the Intelligence Community can now benefit from the massive scalability and high performance of the Keyhole enterprise solution."

The spooks in Washington now had another hook into Google, Inc.

Then in mid-2005, Rob Painter joined Google as Senior Federal Manager. He came straight from In-Q-Tel, where he had been Director of Technology Assessment.

November, 2006: Comment from Robert Steele

from John Battelle's Searchblog

It would be useful to get specifics on who at Google denied this. I am quite positive that Google is taking money and direction from my old colleague Dr. Rick Steinheiser in the Office of Research and Development at CIA, and that Google has done at least one major prototype effort focused on foreign terrorists which produced largely worthless data.

Hopefully Google learned from Bill Clinton that the denial is often more costly than the deed when it completely undermines one's integrity.

CIA is not very sophisticated. In 1986 they knew the 18 functionalities for an all-source analysis workstation (Google for CATALYST and CIA) and they still don't have it. CIA is a kludge of contractor-provided stovepipes, none of which play well together.

I like Google. I think they have enormous potential. I think they are seriously stupid to be playing with CIA, which cannot keep a secret and is more likely to waste time and money than actually produce anything useful.

Best wishes to all, Robert Steele Posted by: Robert David Steele, November 9, 2006 03:17 PM

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Stock Lobster

05/15/10 2:27 PM

#318648 RE: Kujo #318635

>>Google's Deep CIA Connections

Front page / World / Asia
14.01.2010 Source: Pravda.Ru
By Eric Sommer

The western media is currently full of articles on Google's 'threat to quit China' over internet censorship issues, and the company's 'suspicion' that the Chinese government was behind attempts to 'break-in' to several Google email accounts used by 'Chinese dissidents'.

However, the media has almost completely failed to report that Google's surface concern over 'human rights' in China is belied by its their deep involvement with some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet:

Google is, in fact, is a key participant in U.S. military and CIA intelligence operations involving torture; subversion of foreign governments; illegal wars of aggression; and military occupations of countries which have never attacked the U.S. and which have cost hundreds of thousands of lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere.

To begin with, Google is the supplier of the core search technology for 'Intellipedia, a highly-secured online system where 37,000 U.S. spies and related personnel share information and collaborate on their devious errands.

Agencies such as the so-called 'National Security Agency' have also purchased servers using Google-supplied search technology which processes information gathered by U.S. spies operating all over the planet.

In addition, Google is linked to the U.S. spy and military systems through its Google Earth software venture. The technology behind this software was originally developed by Keyhole Inc., a company funded by Q-Tel , a venture capital firm which is in turn openly funded and operated on behalf of the CIA.

Google acquired Keyhole Inc. in 2004. The same base technology is currently employed by U.S. military and intelligence systems in their quest, in their own words, for "full-spectrum dominance" of the planet.

Moreover, Googles' connection with the CIA and its venture capital firm extends to sharing at least one key member of personnel. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, moved from his old job directly serving the CIA to become 'Senior Federal Manager' at Google.

As Robert Steele, a former CIA case officer has put it: Google is "in bed with" the CIA.

Googles Friends spy on millions of Internet Users

Given Google's supposed concern with 'break-in's to several of its email accounts, it's worth noting that Google's friends at In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA, are now investing in Visible Technologies, a software firm specialized in 'monitoring social media'.
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Stock Lobster

05/15/10 3:45 PM

#318652 RE: Kujo #318635

>>Columbia University and Communism

Posted on February 28th, 2010 in Campus Life

In 2009 the University of Alabama won its seventh AP-recognized national championship in football. Crimson Tide fans could probably be forgiven for thinking that their school is the nation’s all-time number one in football, but in reality there are several other universities with comparable records of excellence on the gridiron.

When it comes to left wing politics, however, one university stands alone as the all-time champion. Columbia University has been a training ground for America-hating radicals since at least the start of the twentieth century. The left has had to take new directions since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, but before that, leftist scholars from Columbia often expressed their loathing of the American way by supporting Soviet-centered Communism, as the following examples will show.

CE Ruthenberg

In 1909 CE Ruthenberg received his law degree from Columbia. This was eight years before Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution established with world’s first Communist nation, and ten years before Lenin’s government established the Communist International. (The Communist International, or “Comintern,” was the network of subordinate Communist parties the Soviet Union established in foreign countries, for purposes of subversion.)

Having no Communist party to join, Ruthenberg became active in the Socialist Party USA.

In 1919, upon the establishment of Comintern, Ruthenberg became a leader of one of the two or three different American Communist parties vying for Russian recognition and support. The Russians forced the rival parties to merge in 1922, under the name Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA). Ruthenberg was the first Executive Secretary of the CPUSA, a position he would hold until his death in 1927. After his death, Ruthenberg’s body was cremated, and an urn containing his ashes was placed in the Kremlin wall in Moscow.

Isaiah Oggins

Isaiah Oggins enrolled at Columbia in 1917. He worked as a Soviet agent for several years, but was arrested in 1939, during one of Joseph Stalin’s paranoia-driven purges. Oggins was sent to a prison camp that year. In 1947 he was executed.

Harry Dexter White

In 1922 Harry Dexter White enrolled at Columbia. He would go on to become one of the most influential Soviet agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. During WWII he reported directly to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, and served as liaison between the Treasury Department and the State Department. He then went as the United States’ official representative (unofficially representing the Soviet Union) to the Bretton Woods conference where the World Bank and International Monetary Fund were founded.

Paul Robeson

In 1923 Paul Robeson received his law degree from Columbia. He turned from law to show business and was soon using his fame to promote and support Communist causes. In 1934 he went on a pilgrimage to the Soviet Union. In 1952 the Soviet government awarded him its Stalin Peace Prize. In 1954 he wrote a magazine article in praise of Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, who would soon be fighting a war against the United States.

Whittaker Chambers

In 1925 a recent Columbia graduate named Whittaker Chambers joined Ruthenberg’s Communist party. Chambers had become friends with Isaiah Oggins while both of them were students. In 1932 Chambers began his career as a Soviet spy, reporting indirectly to the party’s new General Secretary, Earl Browder. Eventually he would renounce Communism and give the names of dozens of his fellow spies to the FBI.

Philip Jessup

In 1927 Philip Jessup received his PhD in law at Columbia. In the 1940’s Jessup held several high level positions in the US State Department. He played a key role in undermining American support for Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek, thus facilitating Mao Zedong’s ascent to power, and all the carnage that resulted therefrom. In 1951 Joseph McCarthy forced Jessup to admit that he belonged to five different Communist front groups, and that he had a close and ongoing relationship with Soviet agent Frederick Field.1

Rex Tugwell

In that same year Columbia professors Rexford Tugwell and George Counts traveled to the Soviet Union with Columbia law student Carlos Israels, and several other left wing scholars and union leaders.2 When they made the trip, the United States was still refusing, after ten years, to officially recognize the Soviet Union. Mainstream labor leaders like John L. Lewis and William Green refused to have anything to do with the Soviets.3 The Soviet economy was moribund, and dictator Joseph Stalin needed loans and technology from the free world to keep his grip on the country.4

Tugwell and his companions toured Russia and wrote about what they saw in glowing terms. Especially impressive to Tugwell was the collectivization of agriculture, which, he believed, was the path to efficient food production. The accounts Tugwell and his fellow pilgrims wrote of their travels in the Soviet Union helped encourage the transfers of credit and technology that Stalin needed to maintain control of the country.

When Columbia law school grad Franklin Roosevelt was elected President in 1932, he made Tugwell and two other Columbia scholars his “brain trust,” with Tugwell serving as Undersecretary of the Department of Agriculture. Tugwell was never a Communist, but his fondness for centralized government control over the private sector was one of the underpinnings of Roosevelt’s left wing New Deal policies.

Roosevelt, who could never believe anything bad about Stalin, soon gave formal recognition to the Soviet Union.

Chi Chao-ting

Chi Chao-ting was born in China and came to the United States in the 1920’s to study. He joined the Communist party soon after his arrival in the US. He was already a committed Communist when he enrolled in the graduate program in economics at Columbia in the 1930’s. During WWII he infiltrated Chiang Kai-shek’s Chinese government on behalf of Chiang’s Communist enemy Mao Zedong. After Mao defeated Chiang in 1949, and Chiang fled to the island of Taiwan with his supporters, Chi Chao-ting gave up all pretense of not being a Communist, and moved to Maoist China.5

Elizabeth Bentley

In 1935 Elizabeth Bentley joined the Communist party while working on her masters degree at Columbia. In 1938 she started an adulterous relationship with Soviet spy Jacob Golos. Upon Golos’ death in 1943, she took over his network of spies, reporting directly to Communist Party Secretary Earl Browder, and passing the collected information to Soviet diplomat Iskhak Akhmerov. In 1945 she left the party and started cooperating with the FBI, as fellow Columbia graduate Whittaker Chambers had done a couple years earlier.

The Foner Brothers

In 1941 the City College of New York fired over fifty faculty members who were believed to be Communists. The allegations were made by the state legislature’s Rapp-Coudert Committee, a committee formed to investigate subversive activities in the state’s educational system during the period of the Hitler-Stalin partnership that had the Communist Party USA opposing England in its war against the Nazis. Among the faculty members terminated were Columbia graduates Jack and Philip Foner, the father and uncle, respectively, of current Columbia professor of history Eric Foner.

Bernhard Stern

In 1953 Columbia professor Bernhard Stern was called before a Senate committee, and questioned by Joseph McCarthy about a book he had written praising the Soviet Union, and comparing Soviet Communism favorably to American capitalism. He took the Fifth when asked about his Communist Party membership.6

This is not by any means an exhaustive list of Soviet sympathizers at Columbia during the period before 1991.

It’s just a few easy-to-find names that turn up in books like Blacklisted by History and The Venona Secrets. These examples are presented to show the larger pattern, which is that Columbia faculty and graduates have always been over-represented in the ranks of Soviet sympathizers in this country.

In 1991 the Soviet Union sank ignominiously onto the ash-heap of history, and Soviet sympathizers in this country were left without a cause. Next week’s post will look at the left wing causes Columbia scholars have adopted since the fall of Soviet Communism.

1M. Stanton Evans, Blacklisted by History, pp. 402-409
2Amity Shlaes, The Forgotten Man pp. 47, 48
3ibid., p. 49
5Blacklisted by History, pp. 100, 101
6ibid., p. 470

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2 Responses

Spyder says:
March 5, 2010 at 11:25 pm
What, nothing about the University of Chicago? Come on Al. And nothing about Barry O’Bama? Didn’t he go to Columbia too?

We have plenty of traitors in this country today, whereever they may have gone to school. The elites always think they can tell the rest of us how to live.

admin says:
March 6, 2010 at 11:09 am

You spoke too soon. Wait for the next post.

Al Fuller