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05/15/10 1:00 PM

#318634 RE: Stock Lobster #318632

Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security Numbers, Including One from Connecticut — Selective Service Draft Registration Raises Fraud Questions

Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson on May 13, 2010

(visit original site for hot links, and here, where it's suggested the CT SSN was previously owned by a man born in 1890...

Whether you’re a hardcore “birther” or a misty-eyed Obama supporter, this post from Western Journalism is deeply troubling. From what many investigators have been able to unearth and piece together, there is reportedly much from Barack H. Obama’s past that has either been locked up, altered, or lied about. Why?

As I’ve asked numerous times, why are all his school records, from grade school up, off limits to the American public? How did a poor young man manage to swing an expensive Harvard Law education? I’m not even going to bring up the ongoing issue about his suspicious-looking birth certificate, but the documentation from his past about his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate, childhood medical records, passport records, scholarly articles, and his Selective Service draft card are either reportedly lost, suspected to be altered or fraudulently created years later, or sealed from the American public.

Now there are troubling questions about numerous Social Security numbers linked to our president, including one beginning with the digits 042, a series which is issued by Connecticut. A state where Obama has never lived and, based on the reported date of issue, he was living in Hawaii. So where are the Hawaiian Social Security numbers in the series?

From Western Journalism, The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues:

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.

A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

Indeed, everywhere one looks into Obama’s background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, deception and unanswered questions. Can anyone imagine for a second if John McCain or George Bush had blocked access to his school, medical, and birth records? It would have been headlines but as with everything else concerning Obama, the media has given him a pass on this.

Of all these marvels, the latest mystery and probably most perplexing is that of Obama’s social security number. It appears that Obama has multiple identities in term of possessing numerous social security numbers. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous suits against Obama regarding his eligibility to serve as president, appears to be the first to discover this. In her suit, representing a number of military officers who are refusing to serve under an ineligible commander in chief, she hired private investigator Neil Sankey to conduct research on Obama’s prior addresses and Social Society numbers. Using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, Sankey found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Obama’s name.

However, it may not be as many as 25, since Sankey also searched using closely related names such as: “Barak Obama,” “Batock Obama,” “Barok Obama,” and “Barrack Obama.” There may very well be some Kenyans living in America with the same last name and a similar first name. In any case, I will exclude these records for the purpose of this research and focus only on names spelled exactly like his name. Moreover, we can verify many of the Social Security numbers as valid since they’re connected to addresses at which we know Obama resided. Needless to say, there are also a slew of address and social security numbers connected to addresses in states that Obama has no known connection to.

In Obama’s home state, Illinois, Sankey tracked down 16 different addresses for a Barack Obama or a Barack H. Obama, of which all are addresses he was known to have lived at. Two Social Security numbers appear for these addresses, one beginning with 042 and one starting 364.

In California, where Obama attended Occidental College, there are six addresses listed for him, all within easy driving distance of the college. However, there are three Social Security numbers connected to these addresses, 537 and two others, each beginning with 999.

There are no addresses listed in New York where he attended Columbia University, but there is one listed for him in nearby Jackson, NJ, with a Social Security number beginning with 485.
In Massachusetts – where Obama attended Harvard Law School – we find three addresses, all using the 042 Social Security number.

After Obama was elected to the United States Senate in 2005, he moved into an apartment at 300 Massachusetts Ave NW; the Social Security number attached to that address is the 042 one. Yet, three years later, Obama used a different Social Security number for an address listed as: 713 Hart Senate Office Building. This was the address of his United States Senate office. This Social Security number began with 282 and was verified by the government in 2008.

This mystery grows even stranger as other addresses and Social Security numbers for Barack Obama appear in a dozen other states not known to be connected to him. Again, I am excluding those records names not spelled exactly like his name.

Tennessee, one address with a Social Security number beginning with 427

Colorado, one address, with a Social Security number beginning with 456.

Utah, two addresses, with two Social Security numbers beginning with 901 and 799.

Missouri has one address and one Social Security number beginning with 999.

Florida has two addresses listed for his him, three if you count one listed as “Barry Obama.” One is connected to a Social Security number beginning with 762.

In Georgia there are three addresses listed for him, all with different Social Security numbers: 579, 420, and 423.

In Texas there are four different addresses listed for him, one is connected to Social Security number 675.

There are two addresses listed for Barack Obama in Oregon and one address listed for him in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled “Barack Obama.”

In some cases, the middle initial “H” is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names such as:

“Barac,” “Barak,” and “Barrack” Obama, you would find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers.

Finally, the one Social Security number Obama most frequently used, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time.

Nevertheless, all this mystery surrounding Obama appears to be a generational thing. Researchers have discovered nearly a dozen aliases, at least two different Social Security numbers, and upwards of over 99 separate addresses for Ann Dunham, his mother.

We do know she worked for the ultra liberal Ford Foundation but we also know she may have earned some income from pornographic poses, as evidenced by photos recently discovered by some researchers—how embarrassing. The only thing researchers are able to find out about Obama’s mother is the fact she made porn. I’m sure that’s a first for presidential mothers.


While the private investigator who compiled this list says multiple social security numbers does not automatically prove there’s criminal activity involved, he states that “having said that, I have personally experienced many, many cases where such information has led to subsequent exposure of fraud, deception, money laundering and other crimes.“What is interesting to note is that Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people.

There is much more — visit Western Journalism to read the piece in its entirety. As I stated earlier, this is troubling.

More on Obama’s questionable CT Social Security number from WorldNetDaily: Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec.

Number – 3 experts insist White House answer new questions about documentation:

NEW YORK – Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.

In addition, the records indicate the number was issued between 1977 and 1979, yet Obama’s earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shop in Oahu, Hawaii.

WND has copies of affidavits filed separately in a presidential eligibility lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia by Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels and Colorado private investigator John N. Sampson.

The investigators believe Obama needs to explain why he is using a Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants that was issued at a date later than he is known to have held employment.

The Social Security website confirms the first three numbers in his ID are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.

“Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by our central office,” the Social Security website explains. “The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number are determined by the ZIP code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number.”

The question is being raised amid speculation about the president’s history fueled by an extraordinary lack of public documentation. Along with his original birth certificate, Obama also has not released educational records, scholarly articles, passport documents, medical records, papers from his service in the Illinois state Senate, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption papers.

Robert Siciliano, president and CEO of and a nationally recognized expert on identity theft, agrees the Social Security number should be questioned.

“I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don’t live, but there’s usually a good reason the person applied for a Social Security number in a different state,” Siciliano told WND.

WND asked Siciliano whether he thought the question was one the White House should answer.

“Yes,” he replied. “In the case of President Obama, I really don’t know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii.”

Blogger Debbie Schlussel wrote about the many problems with Obama’s Selective Service card. In 2008, she wrote:

A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me.

But the release of Obama’s draft registration and an accompanying document, posted below, raises more questions than it answers. And it shows many signs of fraud, not to mention putting the lie to Obama’s claim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.

Barack Obama’s 2008 Selective Service Card. 'Blogger Debbie Schlussel discovered damning evidence that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was submitted not when he was younger as required, but rather in 2008 and then altered to look older.' Click image to enlarge.Schlussel points out in her post and identifies, item by item, what she called “oddities and irregularities.” There are numerous inexplicable errors in the document, such as the numbers used in the Document Locator Number (DLN) which indicate that Obama’s Selective Service form was actually created in 2008, a puzzling postage stamp that was discontinued in 1970, inconsistent dates, and the SSS Form 1 states “NO ID”. Why and how was Obama issued a federal document, supposedly in Hawaii, without any ID? There is also a missing printout page in the FOIA response, Obama’s Selective Service number is missing on the card itself, and the response to the FOIA was stonewalled for a nearly a year, being fulfilled just before the 2008 presidential election.

As an update following her initial post, Schlussel wrote the following and provided copies of the letter and envelope, which I’ve not included here, but are on her website:

Some Obamapologists are claiming this is a fake and want to see evidence that retired agent Coffman actually got these documents from the Selective Service System Data Management Center. Below are scans of the letter and envelope that accompanied Barack Obama’s fraudulent registration for the draft (I’ve cropped the blank white space)…

Visit Schlussel’s blog to read this exposé in its entirety.
Additional related reading:

Pat Dollard: “Obama’s Use Of This Social Security Number Is Fraudulent”

Goodtimepolitics: President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut – Why? and Obama Attorney Threatens Distinguished Veteran on Obama Birth Certificate Issue: WHY?

Seven-Sided Cube: What is with President Obama’s Social Security Number?

Free Republic: Obama’s 16 Different Social Security Numbers
Politico: Rep. Paul Broun not sure if Obama is citizen
Citizen Wells: Chanise Foxx, free republic,, March7, 2010, I helped Obama campaign staffer Divorah Adler create a fake birth certificate, Fact Check, COLB

Atlas Shrugs: ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: FINAL REPORT ON OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN and Mystery, Clarification and Obfuscation of Obama’s Birth Certificate Forgery
Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored: Third Obama birth certificate appears in court

VotingFemale: Obama’s Worst Legal Nightmare; Orly Taitz and her friendship with Chief Justice Roberts, a Republican
WorldNetDaily: Multi-state car dealer plans birth-certificate billboards and Appeal promised in eligibility lawsuit – Accuses Obama of fraudulently serving as senator and Supreme Court asked to cooperate with FBI – Attorney investigating Obama’s eligibility reports cyber attacks

RedState: If Bush Birth Certificate Were Missing…
The Town Talk: Internet site takes its Obama challenge to local billboards

Hot Air: Poll: 28% of Republicans don’t believe Obama was born in America? Update: Skeptics mostly southern and Gibbs on Birthers: Nothing will convince them and Quotes of the day (Obama’s citizenship) and Video: America’s most trusted newsman takes on birth certificate Truth and CNN president to Lou Dobbs: Stop covering the birth certificate story

Can I Just Finish My Waffle?: Rewind: What Chris Matthews was saying last July

Confederate Yankee: Two Generals Joined Cook Case On Obama Citizenship… Just Before It Was Dismissed.

Texas Fred’s: Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News
A Conservative Edge: Snopes Dopes Complicit In Obama Birth Certificate Immaculate Deception?

WorldNetDaily: Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital – Myth-busting website, news articles say president not born in location he claims

Citizens Against Pro-Obama Media Bias: Kerchner ad re: Barry’s eligibility

Frugal Café Blog Zone: ‘Obama the Usurper’: Federal Judge Will Hear Case on Barack Obama’s Eligibility and White House Website Transparency… Except Obama’s Birth Certificate

WorldNetDaily: New bid to unseal Obama’s birth certificate, challenge claims Hawaii waived privacy by talking about document
THE “G” BLOGS ~ Gunny G Online : Obama’s ‘birth certificate’ not acceptable in Hawaii ?

Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian: Obama’s mama was trash, now with nude photos

Joseph Farah, Between the Lines, WorldNetDaily: Where’s the birth certificate?

Right Pundits: Obama Mother Nude Photos Reported (PICS)
Michelle Malkin: The more he talks about nationalizing health care and spending more money…

The Right Scoop: President Obama, Please Quit Lying to Me
Cam Cannon, Big Hollywood: Obama’s Jedi Mind Trick: We’ve Been Put on Notice

Irregular Times: Photo Proves Obama Birth Certificate Was Faked!
Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog: “Birth Certificate” Billboards Start to Appear

RedState: If Bush Birth Certificate Were Missing…

Categories: Government, Law & Constitution, Media & Communication, Social and Political Climate

Tags: aliases, altered documents, Ann Dunham, Barack H. Obama, Barack Obama, Barack Obama Connecticut Social Security number, birth certificate, Connecticut, draft registration, fraud, Harvard, Harvard Law, Harvard university, Obama Social Security, Obama Social Security fraud, Obama Social Security number, Obama's mother, Obama's Selective Service card, Orly Taitz, POTUS, Pres. Obama, school records, Selective Service, Selective Service card, Social Security
About the author

Vicki McClure Davidson
I'm a conservative frugalist. My priorities: Watchdogging the government, making sure our tax dollars are spent wisely, living within our budgets (at home and in Washington, DC), and adhering to our Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it was developed by our founding fathers. Also, loving God, my family, and my country. Be wise, be frugal. God bless America!
7 Responses to “Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security Numbers, Including One from Connecticut — Selective Service Draft Registration Raises Fraud Questions”

Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security … < Read what Young Americans Read says:

May 13, 2010 at 10:45 AM
[...] More: Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security … [...]

brett says:

May 13, 2010 at 10:58 AM
Every time I see more proof of the false identity Obama has assumed, I find myself wondering just what exactly he’s really up to. Besides bankrupting the USA, I mean. I suspect a much more nefarious endgame is part of the plan, but only time will tell.

Tweets that mention Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security Numbers, Including One from Connecticut — Selective Service Draft Registration Raises Fraud Questions « Frugal Café Blog Zone -- says:

May 13, 2010 at 11:09 AM
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roxanna. Roxanna said: Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security …: Now there are troubling questions about numerous … [...]

Right-Wing Links (May 13, 2010) says:
May 13, 2010 at 1:42 PM

[...] Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security Numbers, Including One from Connecticut … The first step in saving our liberty is to realize how much we have already lost, how we lost it, and how we will continue to lose it unless fundamental political changes occur. — James Bovard [...]


Larry says:
May 13, 2010 at 2:32 PM

Thanks for covering this very important story, Vicki.
Manchurian President indeed!!
Here was a short, focused post from yesterday showing a major administrative problem with O’s online COLB:


Marilyn says:
May 13, 2010 at 3:15 PM

What Larry said. The Manchurian President for sure,.
I’ve been sayin’ it since well before the big Zer0 was elected. I am really wondering why no one in a position to take action is doing anything about this? It seems like everyone in Washington is afraid to take this one on.


| says:
May 13, 2010 at 6:01 PM

[...] Troubling POTUS Secrets: Obama Has Numerous Social Security Numbers, Including One from Connecticut … [...]

this is from CACHE...the actual link from the google search kept sending me to a link farm. Google is back to their old tricks


Is Obama Using a Fraudulent Social Security Number?

News by Mark Berman Opposing Views
(1 Day Ago) in Politics / Obama Presidency

First there was President Obama's refusal to release his medical and college records. Then there was the brouhaha over his birth certificate. Well, get ready for what is sure to be the next big controversy to get conspiracy theorists salivating -- Obama's social security number.

According to an exclusive report on World Net Daily, the president has a social security number that was not issued in the state in which he lived. Oh, and it appears his number was issued for someone who was born in 1890.

Social security numbers are not a random as one might think. The first three numbers are assigned to certain states.

"Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by our central office," the Social Security web site explains. "The first three (3) digits of a person's social security number are determined by the ZIP code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number."

According to two investigators working separately -- Susan Daniels and John Sampson -- the first three numbers of Obama's social security number are 042. The Social Security web site confirms that numbers between 040 and 049 are reserved for Connecticut residents. Obama lived in Hawaii, and there is no record of him ever having a Connecticut address.

Records indicate the card was issued to Obama between 1977 and 1979. Obama's earliest employment is reported as 1975 or 1976 at a Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shop in Hawaii. Obama would have needed to have a social security number to work there.

"I doubt this is President Obama's originally issued Social Security number," Daniels told WND. "Obama has a work history in Hawaii before he left the islands to attend college at Occidental College in California, so he must have originally been issued a Social Security number in Hawaii."

Another problem the investigators found is the birth date of the cardholder. The records reportedly show the date 1890 alongside Obama's birth date of 8/4/61. Daniels said she couldn't be sure if the 1890 figure has any significance. But she said it appears the number Obama is using was previously issued by the Social Security Administration.

Daniels said there is only one logical explanation. She is "staking my reputation on a conclusion that Obama's use of this Social Security number is fraudulent.

"There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," Daniels insisted. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."

Robert Siciliano, president and CEO of and a well-known expert on identity theft, can't explain it, either.

"I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don't live, but there's usually a good reason the person applied for a Social Security number in a different state," Siciliano told WND.

"In the case of President Obama," he continued, "I really don't know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii."

The Social Security Administration does sometimes issue new social security numbers to people upon request. But there are very limited reasons, such as for victims of identity theft, harassment or abuse.

The Daniels and Sampson affidavits were originally recorded in an eligibility case against Obama last year.

The White House has not commented on this latest controversy.


05/15/10 1:27 PM

#318642 RE: Stock Lobster #318632

Google hides Obama's Social Security Number story
Searches for WND report diverted to Kagan, oil, Tampa stories
Posted: May 12, 2010
8:50 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily[tag]LINK[/tag

Internet giant Google today was hushing up the new dispute over President Obama's strange Social Security number by diverting searches for news reports on the issue to unrelated stories about Elena Kagan, oil, Tampa and the Federal Reserve.

The actual story, posted on, explained how two private investigators – working independently – are asking why Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.

Under a Google news search for "President Obama Social Security number," the top four results all quoted, "By Jerome R. Corsi Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants…"

Is Google 'evil'? Read the arguments in Joseph Farah's "Stop the Presses!"

However, the first link is to Politico's story about "Gay rights central to Elena Kagan fight," the second links to Politico's "Senate clears measure to audit Federal Reserve" story, the third links to a Politico story about the GOP plans for a convention in Tampa in 2012, and the last links to a Politico story about "Oil executives play pass the buck."

Google spokesman Jake Hubert told WND that it appeared to be a "bug in the snippets."

He said the company was looking into it.


05/15/10 6:18 PM

#318653 RE: Stock Lobster #318632

Aye! Last Sat, my rant day, seems today is ur's dear..Party ON!!

Yes, we have waded through this crap before, and it smells!