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Elmer Phud

09/17/02 7:38 PM

#86 RE: H0db #85

-- First they delivered "QuantiSpeed"

This is when I first became concerned that they were in trouble-- the point wasn't the QS ratings assigned to the processors they were then shipping, which were competitive, but it made me suspect that AMD management knew that they were going to fall further and further behind, and would need QS to claim competitiveness.

You're right. They were establishing their strategy for keeping contact with Intel from a marketing standpoint.

Now this makes me think they are truly desperate. That they can't even compete at all in terms of performance for the next year, so they have to market they way to survival. OMH.

And I believe Hammer is in worse shape than admitted so far. It may be completely functional but too slow and unmanufacturable. AMD has no choice but to continue the hype because admitting the truth would be tantamount to putting a bullet in their own head.

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09/17/02 7:49 PM

#87 RE: H0db #85

H0db, Re: Then they run the ad in the WSJ. I think Ed Stroglio captured the reasons for my naseau well: (the rest is priceless)

LOL, that summed it up very well, I think. So did the conclusion.

"It's the wrong ad campaign stressing the wrong things aimed at the wrong people at the wrong time."

Sorry, but AMD is just not "getting it", and throwing $28M at an ad campaign like this, rather than addressing the real problem, which is their execution and management decisions, is exactly the right way to ruin their business. Just my honest opinion.
