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05/12/10 10:59 AM

#183890 RE: makesumgravy #183889

makessum, you paint a very dismal picture. Unfortunately it's a realistic one. At its' base the World's problems are generated by human nature. And the problems will only get worse as we have the nature of more humans to deal with.

Nuclear proliferation reached a plateau when India and Pakistan acquired the bomb. I'm afraid the spiral will kick back in with Iran and N. Korea having the bomb. It's almost surely just a matter of time until nuclear exchanges start.

I have very different views on the Arab / Israeli problems. I have just touched on them. IMO it is headed toward a conflagration. The martyr mentality has always been a part of Islam, but I don't think it was as wide spread in the past as it has been in the last 20 years or so. Suicide bombing, once rare, is now a daily occurrence.

I don't think it's a stretch to think martyrdom could become a national policy. Take Iran for instance. There is no way the majority of Iran's population hungers to become martyrs to some 7th century mentality. However the majority of the population don't have their fingers o nthe Big Green Button (green, the color of Islam) The Mullahs and a few hundred Revolutionary Guardsmen could get 'er done.