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01/04/05 10:49 AM

#63526 RE: buffetguy #63523

Might as well have a weatherman give:

a) forecast
b) guesstimate
c) educated guess
d) prediction

on WAVX earnings during these discussed periods.

Maybe they will "diagnose" another Tsunami......

(please,,,,,,my heart and prayers go out to all who suffered loss of life and property during the recent event...)

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01/04/05 11:18 AM

#63529 RE: buffetguy #63523

Yes, forecasts are always wrong but they are virtually ALWAYS better than guesses. And guesses on certain inventories in certain companies can be tens of millions of dollars. In that case, what you rather have a guess or an "educated" guess based on some facts?

Last on this. Good luck to us longs.

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01/04/05 11:49 AM

#63532 RE: buffetguy #63523

buffetguy what do you do that makes you so knowledgeable about guessing, estimateing and forecasting.

And bye the way, economics was called the dismal science because economists so often forecast social disasters, and not because of any shortcomings in their forcasts.