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09/14/02 10:02 PM

#1710 RE: stlogic #1709

Not so fast??? Whoa! Agreed.

Kent and Chad are at best part time employees with many affiliations, not to mention the web the others have woven.

This is a very loud silence that speaks volumes. Because they have not made any attempt to raise the share price I also think absolutely this is a premeditated attempt to drive the share price down and shake off investors for their own benefit. And the “benefit” would be control of Aspen by whatever method and no method should be overlooked.

However, of the different means by which one might be able to acquire Aspen it would seem that bankruptcy might be the least desirable, especially if the act is done with the intention of growing the Company to be resold in the future.

Wouldn’t any form of bankruptcy hinder our chances of getting outside financing or jeopardize our TSE listing which is the key to financing and thus growth? I wonder if without the backing of major exchange financing they could come up with the kind of money it takes to expand an oil and gas company?

Yet, as you pointed out, they will be acquiring valuable assets for pennies in a bankruptcy scenario in which case bulking up or growing the Company is not essential.

Has Cudney ever used bankruptcy in the past in order to takeover a company? Northfield probably had something to do with the installation of new management at Cimatec in what looks to be an intentional maneuver to strengthen or grow the company.

I wish they would get away from Smeenk. It would make me feel a little better.

Watching Cudney might give us a clue as to what might be in store for Aspen.

Unfortunately stockholders involved in a Company that files for bankruptcy legally would have the right to some money, but in most situations they are at the bottom of the list and get nothing.

Is it two options we have?

1) The formation of a holding company as mentioned in your famous “drinks are on me” post. or

2) Class Action citing various charges based on a number of questionable instances starting in the early days of Aspen up until the present.