Its been said many times before, why would Ike want to advertise for the companies that use our services? They will do the advertising for us. This is a B2B service and that will become very apparent June 1 when revenues come in. Also, sounds like we may have a few large brand names. I just know that there is absolutely no way you can immediately be a multimillion dollar corp. in 30 days from your launch and sustain that unless the unsavory tolling of labor is put in place called the infrastructure to establishing contracts, etc. I work for a big company and have to do contracts for vendors that I use, believe me it is NOT an overnight process! Things take time. You see all we have to do is click refresh on our computers waiting for a PR or search Google to see what may be the next news and that is like watching paint dry, but Ike is a duck paddling like crazy under the water. If after June comes and goes and we are not showing businesses interested, then we all will have to deploy our contingent strategy, but for now, waiting patiently is what is required.