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05/04/10 10:58 PM

#194976 RE: jhdf51 #194974

you, your dog and especially your father are in my prayers.
My dad is a cancer survivor. Even though it took a chunk of life out of him.Ge is still working at 84. He is also a WW2 vet and grew up as a kid in the great depression. Tough sonofabitch's those depression era kids are. My dad smokes his huge stinky cigars nearly every day.

To say he was just a tough man wouldnt do him justice. He'd say your a P.C. fairy. My dad at age 12 went to work full time on the great northern railroad in North Dakota. Enlisted in the army at age 16. GI Bill paid for college and also into medical school...Quite a life my dad.... He pisses and moans at how weak people have become...... Im certainly not going to disagree with him.
Im sure your dad is the same way.
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05/04/10 11:05 PM

#194979 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Im sorry for the loss of your Dog, and I pray for your father I hope he beats it their is always hope. I'll send some prayers for him.
God bless you,

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05/04/10 11:08 PM

#194980 RE: jhdf51 #194974

God bless you, JHD. Your dad has my prayers.
Many of us are not on this forum for PPS, but a shared will to advocate fairness and justice against great misdeeds. We publish our research and DD not for the benefit of traders or the lambasting of bashers, but for the contribution to our own community of real people with lives that continue along despite the sometimes agonizing pace of the court. We would be heartless to ignore tragedy among those in our community - but I doubt not one long here lacks great compassion and empathy for you, jhd51.

For better days soon ahead, my friend.
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05/04/10 11:11 PM

#194981 RE: jhdf51 #194974

My thoughts and prayers go out to your Father and your best friend Tucker. Everything will be alright!
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05/04/10 11:12 PM

#194982 RE: jhdf51 #194974

jhd i feel your pain. i wish i could make it better. i too lost my dog 14 months ago. were finally considering buying a husky. you will know when its time for you to get another for your dad Vern i prayed for him and you as well. im glad to know our wamu family and were all here for you. sleep well.
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05/04/10 11:25 PM

#194989 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. allie
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05/04/10 11:26 PM

#194991 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Hey jhd. I can relate to your golden retriever story as I have a 10 year old golden who is limping with lumps that appear to be cancerous and cataracts, and so on. I keep wondering how much longer and it is so very hard. In terms of your dad, if there is one thing I have learned as a nurse is both good and poor health often defy logic. A person can have a devastating diagnosis and live on and live on and on. A healthy person could walk in front of a car and it's over. Cancer is no longer a death sentence. None of us know when our time is up or even what is potentially in front of us the next day.

The trick IMO is to take one step at a time to digest new information and not over react. Kind of like this stock, as a matter fact. It's quite a life process. Take care.
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05/04/10 11:27 PM

#194993 RE: jhdf51 #194974

My heart goes out to you, I will pray for you...I to lost my beloved yellow lab last winter and both my parents...I was 25 when I lost my mom (she was 64) to a brain anurysm and 32 when I lost my dad (he was 72) to a stoke...God bless you and your family, we need this dam WAMUQ to be over with soon so we can move on with the rest of our lives and hopefully be able to spend quality time with our family without any financial burdens....Good luck to us all
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05/04/10 11:29 PM

#194996 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Sounds like you have a lot going on JHDF. Amongst the chaois, it appears that you have identified the true importance of what life is all about. Only friends, family, and God make you a "rich" man, not money, power and material objects. This investment in WAMU will never make an investor "rich", but hopefully, it will provide a means to ease the financial burdens of some, so they may pursue the true riches that life has to offer.

I hope things turn around for you soon!

Best wishes

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05/04/10 11:35 PM

#195000 RE: jhdf51 #194974

JHD (L)! With the exception of a very few, we are all family here! Although lately, I have avoided church religiously, I have always followed the golden rule(s)!

I will be praying for your father tonight! Every once in a while, life throws us seemingly indomitable curveballs! Vern sounds like one tough cookie and has my respect and admiration! I have respect for you in your honesty and integrity as well!

Take care my friend and I truly mean that! Many e-friends are BS but I, over the many months, consider you a true friend!

God bless … rs
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05/05/10 12:44 AM

#195012 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Thanks for sharing your heartfelt message. So sorry to hear about your loss of your pal, Tucker. I just lost my 14 year old Terrier mix girl 3 weeks ago to bladder cancer. She was diagnosed last May in the early stage and we fought a hard fight with her having fairly good quality of life right up to the last couple of weeks when she got weak.

I SO understand that void in your life as my little one was so special and was a huge comfort through so many other losses I went through during the last 6 years.

I'll keep you and your Dad in my prayers as he faces yet another health issue. My Mom had CHF but she just kept going with a great attitude right up to the last few weeks. That generation is (was) so strong. My Dad is almost 82 and tough like yours ... joined the Marines at 17 and then he worked 6 days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day until he was 73! He thinks everyone these days are slackers!! :)

JHDF ... just enjoy each and every day with your Dad. I did that with my Mom and I especially learned this past year to live "in the moment" with my dog so we could enjoy every good day she had.

I'm glad this WAMU gang has been here for each other through this past 19 months. The support is amazing!


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05/05/10 1:10 AM

#195017 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Jim sorry tohear about your dog, the Lord will guide and direct a new friend to come into your life. He works in mysterious ways. I will say a prayer for your father tonight. Our animals are precious too us and it hurts when they leave us. It's Ok, we are always here to talk to.

Tomorrow is a very important court date.

I will tell you a story about Barnie Rubble ( our late cocker spaniel ) in private when I get a chance..

This gucci Girl, our Shorkie, she is pretty photogenic,, she is really good at putting smiles on faces.


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05/05/10 1:28 AM

#195020 RE: jhdf51 #194974

You and your loved ones will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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05/05/10 6:40 AM

#195028 RE: jhdf51 #194974

I'm terribly sorry for your loss and to hear about your dad. One of our Shih Tzus is going through chemo right now for lymphoma. He's a tough old guy and we just want to give him a quality life in time he has remaining.

Take heart in knowing that your old frind is in a good place and is not suffering. Please consider adopting a new friend from a local shelter as these dogs need a good home with a caring owner like you.

Stay strong ....
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05/05/10 7:03 AM

#195029 RE: jhdf51 #194974

jhdf51, I lost my beloved Merlin a few months ago. And I was devistated.

If I may make a suggestion, I found some peace and comfort through the 'Monday Candlelight Service' held ever week at

Several dozen if not hundreds of folks will gather for a few minutes, in their own homes, via the internet, and collectively participate in a brief 'service' for their departed friends.

It may sound weird, but it was very moving for us, and helped with the closure of the life we had shared together.

Best of wishes for you.
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05/05/10 7:08 AM

#195030 RE: jhdf51 #194974

We are here for ya man. Thoughts and prayers out to you-

Lets get this thing settled so we can get back to our own families.

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05/05/10 7:14 AM

#195031 RE: jhdf51 #194974

jhd51 - wishing your Dad all the best -
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05/05/10 7:17 AM

#195032 RE: jhdf51 #194974

prayers out to you jhd.....
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05/05/10 7:51 AM

#195033 RE: jhdf51 #194974

My prayers go to you
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Let's Roll

05/05/10 7:52 AM

#195034 RE: jhdf51 #194974

J, will keep you and yours in my prayers!
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05/05/10 7:52 AM

#195035 RE: jhdf51 #194974

my prayers are with you - stay strong
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05/05/10 7:55 AM

#195036 RE: jhdf51 #194974

I am sorry for your dog(best friend) and your dad. I wish and pray for you and your family for some peace and resolve.
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05/05/10 8:44 AM

#195043 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Sorry for your loss as I have 2 goldens brothers I also have labs the goldens weigh 125 lbs and are lap dogs always willing to please and just want to be pet and hugged we had to put 1 of the labs down last year hardest thing I ever did.Made me realize what is truly important.My family and I wish you and yours all the best and our prayers will go out for you.
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05/05/10 8:49 AM

#195045 RE: jhdf51 #194974

jhd... I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your "buddy" and the condition of your Father.

I am a HUGE dog lover and still feel the loss of our "family member" of over ten years ago... he was like a brother to me... always with me.

My Father and I have breakfast every Saturday at 8am... no matter what... he is 82 and I am dreading the day when he no longer walks out to greet me for our weekly Father/Son time.

My heart felt thoughts are sent to you...
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05/05/10 9:05 AM

#195050 RE: jhdf51 #194974


I too may be posting a message that may get deleted. I am unable to PM so I will take the chance...this once. My golden(Nick) had to be put down as well. He was almost 5 and suffering from cancer. The thought of a "Rainbow Bridge" gave me some comfort. Your family, Tucker, and Vern are in my prayers...

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

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duck fan

05/05/10 9:05 AM

#195052 RE: jhdf51 #194974

My thoughts and prayers are with you JHD. It's times like these that test your faith. Know that you are not alone.
God Bless
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decouverte d Elbe

05/05/10 9:08 AM

#195054 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Hang tough my friend. Your Dad reminds me in some ways like my Father, whom I miss very much. Like you, I worked with him or many years, and he spent 7 years in the Air Force. I am most grateful that when his time drew near, we were finally able to really get close, he was a rather stern man growing up. Still, everyday I am reminded of some pearl of wisdom he gave me, and though there are times I wish I could talk to him today, still he will always stay with me as long as I live. And yet there is a season for everything, it is God's will. Cherish every moment you have with him, and you will stay strong, and your spirit will rise one day, when the clouds seem the darkest. Take care.
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05/05/10 9:12 AM

#195058 RE: jhdf51 #194974


Vern will be in our prayers.

Take Care
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up and up

05/05/10 9:18 AM

#195062 RE: jhdf51 #194974

jhd: our god is a awesome god, may his
peace and love always be with you and
your family.
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05/05/10 9:42 AM

#195075 RE: jhdf51 #194974

Our prayers are with you. Look to the man upstairs for comfort, talk to him. Spend time with your dad and tell him you love him (even if you have never told him before) and just know that you are not alone.