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04/29/10 11:01 PM

#315491 RE: Stock Lobster #315490

JBI Inc.- they've developed a process to turn recycled plastic into deisel fuel- I shit you not- they just had the process independantly verified, then they announced the results at the stock holders meeting....its like cheaper then current method,90% pure and has minimal debt,great product , applied to nasdaq.. the ceo is smart and not talking to the press about it until he has X amount of successful barrels of stock.its almost too good to be true - do yopur DD- good to hear from you again


04/30/10 4:20 AM

#315510 RE: Stock Lobster #315490

oftwominds>Debt, Democracy, Autonomy and Revolution: Understanding 2010-2021 (April 29, 2010)

Charles Hugh Smith
April 29

The specific experiences of debt servitude and powerlessness will help create a new set of radical political ideas and ideals which will reinvigorate a passive, complicit U.S. populace.

New York City readers: I need a favor. Reader/blogger/vet/student Tommy at Freedom Guerrilla needs 100 NYCers to take a quick online survey on urban agriculture. The purpose is to support a proposed Urban Farm in New York City. Please help him with this project--thank you! CHS

Shills, hacks and apologists from the Demopublican/financial Power Elites/MSM status quo are desperately attempting to discredit the Tea Party movement, as it poses a direct threat to their cozy partnership of corrupt governance, propaganda, fraud and monopoly capital cartels.

The Democratic and Republican parties are self-serving zombies which are still shuffling forward under the power of the monopoly capital/cartel Power Elites who value the simulacrum of democracy these dried husks provide.

No one can predict if the Tea Party movement will revitalize one or both zombie parties, become a true Third Party or dissipate under the relentless attacks of the status quo into ineffective warring factions (i.e. the Tea Party People's Front and the Tea Party Popular People's Front, with a nod to Monty Python fans).

Here is what will not change, regardless of the fate of the self-organizing Tea Party movement:

The dominance of corporate/financial cartels has been masked by corrupt governance (the Savior State) and a corporate-owned Mainstream Media propaganda machine in service to the Savior State/Plutocracy partnership.

Personal independence and liberty require a decisive break from the current predatory/monopoly capital-cartel political and economic system.

A crisis will crystallize a powerful emotional understanding of a new or renewed ideology of individual autonomy and liberty. The status quo will expect citizens to act only on pocketbook issues; the Elites will be wrong.

The crisis will compel non-Elite, non-protected-fiefdom Americans to rethink their assumptions about governance, wealth, liberty, autonomy and personal responsibility.

Debt is a form of servitude, and Americans will wake up to the fact that they are serfs in a debt-based feudal state akin (as per the Survival+ analysis) to a feudal plantation economy.

Extreme concentrations of capital and power control the vast majority of the U.S. economy and Savior State/levers of governance.

The ideologies of the Zombie Parties (Democrats and Republicans) no longer have any connection with the lived experience and "social knowledge" of the bottom 80% of American citizens.

The goal is to liberate ourselves (the bottom 80%) from the clutches of a morally corrupt and oppressive status quo which is undermining our autonomy and liberty.

The status quo is morally degenerate: both politically and financially, it is based on an interlocking foundation of lies, half-truths, misdirections, misinformation, propaganda, embezzlement, fraud, prevarications, bogus statistics, fraudulent balance sheets, mis-stated assets and liabilities, collusion, trickery and corruption.

The personal experience of debt servitude and loss of autonomy will be transformed into a shared political consciousness which recognizes that each individual is part of larger political/financial systemic ills, and the the solutions require taking control away from concentrations of capital and power.

The fruits of production--the output of real work as opposed to the parasitic financial churning of transactions and digital data--will become politicized as those who are producing real value begin demanding a political voice in the governance of the nation.

The restoration of personal integrity and virtue will become political goals.

The physical degradation and decay of the American landscape, urban and rural, is connected to the misrule of the zombie political parties; a new ideology will emerge to restore the landscape and infrastructure by taking it out of the hands of the Zombie Parties and the corporate Power Elites.

The betrayal of the Public Trust, rising corruption and barely-cloaked plots against individual liberty will spark an Imperial Crisis in which the burdens of Empire are recognized and politicized.

The complacency and fatalism which characterize Americans' experience of politics will undergo a radical reformation which will be necessary lest autonomy and liberty be lost to concentrations of self-serving, over-reaching power.

Debt servitude and the fact that they now own virtually nothing will predispose citizens to finally grasp the failure of the Savior State/Plutocracy status quo; that revolution of understanding will lead to an embrace of radical reforms which were hitherto "impossible."

The specific experiences of debt servitude and powerlessness will help create a new set of radical political ideas and ideals which will reinvigorate a passive, complicit populace.

I know none of this fits in with the expectations of either the status quo or hard-core survivalists, who expect either a continuation of the lies, fraud and complicity of the status quo or a descent into violent chaos.

My own views are grounded in my study of American history and society. Maybe I will be completely wrong; I am always open to that possibility.

Let's agree to print this page out and compare notes in 2015 and again in 2020 on who had the more accurate grasp of the future.

Here are two interesting books on related topics. The first was recommended by Daniel C. and the second by Kevin L., who was kind enough to send me a copy.

Cornered: The New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction

Tobacco Culture: The Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of Revolution.

And here is an interesting commentary on corporatism, the Savior State and the destruction of competition by cartels, recommended by Alan A.:

We Are All Fascists Now


04/30/10 4:25 AM

#315511 RE: Stock Lobster #315490

~>We Are All Fascists Now

Post image for We Are All Fascists Now

by Hawaiian Libertarian on April 28, 2010

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” – Benito Mussolini

Ron Paul’s latest article at gets even more specific in it’s definition:

Socialism is a system where the government directly owns and manages businesses. Corporatism is a system where businesses are nominally in private hands, but are in fact controlled by the government. In a corporatist state, government officials often act in collusion with their favored business interests to design polices that give those interests a monopoly position, to the detriment of both competitors and consumers.

Paul’s article goes into detail about how Conservatives and opponents to ObamaCare are actually doing their cause harm by calling ObamaCare “socialist” or opposing Obama’s agenda on the grounds that it is based on “socialism.”

When he is a called a socialist, the President and his defenders can easily deflect that charge by pointing out that the historical meaning of socialism is government ownership of industry; under the President’s policies, industry remains in nominally private hands.

The key word here is nominally, which is why Paul is advocating that Obama’s agenda be correctly called Corporatist.

This also promotes the understanding that though the current system may not be pure socialism, neither is it free-market since government controls the private sector through taxes, regulations, and subsidies, and has done so for decades.

While Paul discusses this in the context of how the ObamaCare is essentially a corporatist act granting a Government enforced cartel to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries…there is another bill pending before congress that has just as far reaching consequences as health care.

The Fascists are going after our food supply.

Just who are these fascists? The nominally private corporations like Cargill, ConAgra, Kraft, Monsanto et al. And who are their Government partners in this fascist takeover attempt? The USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Services (FSIS).

Why yes…the same folks that brought us the wondrous food pyramid, are now ostensibly going to protect us all from contaminated meat.

The bill is
H.R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009.

A website dedicated to saving small, family farms in the face of the agribusiness corporate fascists, called Farm Wars, discusses the implications of this bill in an article entitled History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job:

Vested interest groups have orchestrated a legislative lullaby to hush the public’s growing unease with the safety of its food supply. Their enablers in the mainstream corporate controlled media amplify a chorus of government officials and non-governmental organizations admonishing that the public must be confident that the food it buys is safe. But having confidence our food is safe is not the same as having food that is safe and wholesome to eat.

The American public has a great and unmet need to understand the true impacts (that is, the predictable consequences) of the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, before the Senates passes its version of this dangerous bill. The US Congress has a long, tragic history of passing legislation that promotes the industrialization of our food supply, effectively implementing the wishes — both stated and unstated — of agribusiness, and it’s about to do it again.

Using the pretext of food safety, those behind the Food Safety Enhancement Act seek to institute changes the American public would not condone if it understood what is at stake. The country is being duped into believing that the pseudo-scientific measures prescribed by the bill will prevent new outbreaks of food-borne illnesses when in reality FSEA will usher in a number of undesirable outcomes, none of which do a thing to improve food safety. On the contrary, these measures will permit large processors to become an essentially unregulated segment of the industry by privatizing the inspection process, and — at the same time — the new regulations will constitute a cost-prohibitive barrier for small players to remain in business, making them easy targets for indiscriminant enforcement and greater market consolidation.

The cost-prohibitive barrier is precisely the objective!

Another site also involved in the same fight, offered more details on some of the bill’s provisions.


Expanding an existing program, the FSIS wants to shore up food safety requirements by fully implementing and enforcing its 14 year old HACCP program. What is HACCP? From Wikipedia:

“HACCP is used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards, so that key actions, known as Critical Control Points (CCPs) can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realized.”

This is a good idea, right? A HACCP plan describes the places in a meat processing plant or a butcher shop where food could be contaminated, and it describes what daily and hourly routine steps are taken to prevent that from happening. Cleanings, pathogen tests, pH tests, temperatures, water activity, and other food safety practices are documented by workers and managers to insure that the HACCP plan is being followed. Poultry, eggs, seafood, and juice all require HACCP programs. (Most other FDA products do not.)

HACCP went into effect over a decade ago, but one aspect that was never fully realized was “Verification,” that is, proving that a business is following its own HACCP plan, and that’s part of what these new FSIS regulations address. The new approach to Verification seeks to “verify” that meat processors are testing for pathogens (among other food safety practices) and documenting those tests in order to prove that their HACCP plan is working.


Local butchers and small meat operations are going to get steamrolled by these requirements.

As just one example, small meat processors will need to collect microbial data for at least one product from each HACCP category that they process (beef, pork, chicken, lamb, etc), under the new Validation program. These products can be grouped (chicken breasts, chicken thighs, chicken sausage), but the similarities and differences in species, process, product public health risk, and food safety hazards might require further testing. If your butcher’s meats vary even slightly (various sausages can be significantly different in how they’re made from one recipe to another), they may be required to “verify” all their products in each and every category.

This is exasperating and frightening to many meat shops and small- to medium-sized processors. Even small operations offer a wide variety of foods, after all (think about all the cuts and various types of meat you see in your local butcher shop or at a farmers market). But these tests are expensive, so the more cuts and varieties of meats that an operation offers, the more it will cost that butcher to keep selling those various cuts. The obvious solution won’t be to invest more money for further testing, but to raise prices, reduce the variety of their product mix, and offer only what sells very well.

Or close up shop.

Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!

That is precisely the point of this type of legislation! This is how competitors are regularly driven out of business by special interest groups enlisting the Government bureaucracy to grant them a market cartel.

Joel Salatin, owner of PolyFace Farms, also wrote about the way in which government regulation favors the giant, industrial agriculture corporations versus the small operation farmer, in an article entitled Everything I Want to Do is Illegal:

Everything I want to do is illegal. As if a highly bureaucratic regulatory system was not already in place, 9/11 fueled renewed acceleration to eliminate freedom from the countryside. Every time a letter arrives in the mail from a federal or state agriculture department my heart jumps like I just got sent to the principal’s office.

And it doesn’t stop with agriculture bureaucrats. It includes all sorts of government agencies, from zoning, to taxing, to food inspectors. These agencies are the ultimate extension of a disconnected, Greco-Roman, Western, egocentric, compartmentalized, reductionist, fragmented, linear thought process.


I want to dress my beef and pork on the farm where I’ve coddled and raised it. But zoning laws prohibit slaughterhouses on agricultural land. For crying out loud, what makes more holistic sense than to put abattoirs where the animals are? But no, in the wisdom of Western disconnected thinking, abattoirs are massive centralized facilities visited daily by a steady stream of tractor trailers and illegal alien workers.

But what about dressing a couple of animals a year in the backyard? How can that be compared to a ConAgra or Tyson facility? In the eyes of the government, the two are one and the same. Every T-bone steak has to be wrapped in a half-million dollar facility so that it can be sold to your neighbor. The fact that I can do it on my own farm more cleanly, more responsibly, more humanely, more efficiently, and in a more environmentally friendly manner doesn’t matter to the government agents who walk around with big badges on their jackets and wheelbarrow-sized regulations tucked under their arms.

Sure is hard trying to compete with the factory farming corporations here in the land of the fee and the home of the debt-slave, eh?

Our whole culture suffers from an industrial food system that has made every part disconnected from the rest. Smelly and dirty farms are supposed to be in one place, away from people, who snuggle smugly in their cul-de-sacs and have not a clue about the out-of-sight-out-of-mind atrocities being committed to their dinner before it arrives in microwaveable, four-color-labeled, plastic packaging. Industrial abattoirs need to be located in a not-in-my-backyard place to sequester noxious odors and sights. Finally, the retail store must be located in a commercial district surrounded by lots of pavement, handicapped access, public toilets and whatever else must be required to get food to people.

The notion that animals can be raised, processed, packaged, and sold in a model that offends neither our eyes nor noses cannot even register on the average bureaucrat’s radar screen — or, more importantly, on the radar of the average consumer advocacy organization. Besides, all these single-use megalithic structures are good for the gross domestic product. Anything else is illegal.

Never forget the way enforcement works too.

Big Ag corporations who violate the food safety codes that result in recalls, outbreaks of listeria or e. coli, that make consumers sick and even die?

They simply pay large fines to the Government.

Just another cost for doing business…the same fines that literally bankrupt smaller farms.

We the sheeple are caught in a fascist pincer. We get sick and malnourished from our fascist food supply, and we must than seek treatment from our soon to be enacted fascist health care system.


Tagged as: big food, fascism, Ron Paul, USDA

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