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69 hemi charger

04/25/10 11:35 AM

#22805 RE: DoF #22799

What you have to focus on is the smokers trend.Where is it going?A good example imo is the caffeine crowd,look at say like Starbucks a few years ago the majoity of their beverage sales was in diposable paper cups now this slowly changing where you see more and more people bringing their personal travel mugs.Now super imposing this personal preferance example on todays health consciance sophisticated smoker and you can see a gradual change to a smart cigarette or E cigarette.It fits all the criterea of a personal mug its portable ,better value for your money,health safer not to mention the freedom to smoke in public places where regular smokers are not allowed to light up.There you have it a sure fire winner.HPNN is at the fore front of this trend whether you like it or not.When that day comes HPNN could easily go blue chip status in a heartbeat.