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04/22/10 3:49 PM

#299144 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Also mark the mods too IMO. Man, this forum is like a little golden goose pooping out golden eggs every dang day, lol, god I owe you guys much tequila, many thanks!

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$treet Trader

04/29/10 8:55 PM

#301708 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Welcome all new members of DTF Please be sure to member mark $treet Trader so that my posts will be highlighted here for you on this thread
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06/04/10 8:12 AM

#312743 RE: $treet Trader #298483

TCPS .001x.0011, 1x1! Here we have a non-diluting company with 68M shares in the float and 100M A/S (all T/A verified) and NO DILUTION in the past 4 months! Trading slightly above its 52 wk low .0005 and well below its 52 wk high .005! Volume picked up a bit yesterday, looking for some follow through today!!!
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06/21/10 11:15 AM

#317144 RE: $treet Trader #298483

IFXY .008 Heavy volume...Pending merger
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06/21/10 11:02 PM

#317264 RE: $treet Trader #298483

TMEN & MMTC starting to look good.

MMTC (ceo has bought in open market)

Looking better


35M float


also looking at GEYI

what do you think?
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06/30/10 10:17 AM

#319410 RE: $treet Trader #298483

IFXY .01 News
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06/30/10 11:18 AM

#319451 RE: $treet Trader #298483

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07/12/10 8:17 AM

#322044 RE: $treet Trader #298483

gm dtf
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09/07/10 9:13 PM

#336974 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Hey Street, back from a long break and I want to know if your chatroom on PalTalk is still up and running, if so, what is the name, because I can't find Daytrader's Den anymore. Thanks. =)
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09/24/10 6:52 PM

#342998 RE: $treet Trader #298483

RZ looking better. Big volume surge this week along with CPTC and a few others.

If you look at will see RZ is coming off the left side of a V

ADXS - had alot of size on the offer. Alot of buying on the .105 offer. There was size there and it was being eaten all day. 10 minutes before the close.... ADXS released a PR

* I think the action today was bullish though and would expect pps to rise over .15 soon..imo...alot of buying at the high.

SINX - closed at low on heavier volume. Think this one has the potential to be a gapper. News was released that was very bullish and am shocked SINX closed in the red. It was bidding up and would expect a climb in pps as .06 is a pretty firm price..imo

GNVC - volume surged today. Closed @ .615. [color=red][/color] Some very large buys and would expect the continuation next week. This was abnormally high volume as the chart has been improving this past week. It is ready for

closed @ .25. Plagued by light volume, there has been heavy insider buying. Looks like a good issue on a fundmental basis as well..imo Bids started to raise today which we have not seen in some time on the issue. I think this one is ready to wake up..imo

MMTC - has been hit hard after heavy insider buying over .05. They are having a webinar at month's end. They expanded production and they are leaving the developmental stage right now. Expect some big things this year for MMTC. Have a .15- .25 target...right now pps is sitting @ .022 and should improve with developments..imo

KBLB - volume surged off news set for next week.

Keep on watch..imo

SPMI - lightly traded now. Keep on radar as there has been recent insider buying.

CPTC - volume surged this week. CPTC closed over MA as volume is increasing. Very bullish and this wind power co seems to be setting up for higher hi's next week..imo

SNT - volume surged this week over .40. SNT closed @ .32 better then last week. SNT is setting up for higher targets as money flow is increasing.


AEMD - keep on watchlist for increasing volume. Both AEMD and TMEN which are trading sub par...have ACCUMULATION off the charts for the past few months...take a look at the accumulation/distribution line.

...both around .30


VIZS - keep on watch. Releasing excellent news of late...and this one is just getting on many radars. Could be a huge gainer..imo..but one of those issues that makes you Would do more dd on the issue. They seem to be profitable.imo

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10/06/10 2:07 PM

#345668 RE: $treet Trader #298483

ADAC is a beast in the making..imo

Volume surging ~!!! ARDM too

ARDM, ADAC volume surging


buying surge today. Over .01 on heavy volume and rearing to go higher. News or an update is coming soon as a follow-up to the past pr. Should be interesting to see what is coming. The BOD also issued a stock buy back in August and it is still going on to my knowledge. Havent heard otherwise from the company.

- looks like this issue is waking up. Noticed there has been some insider buying on the issue. For the past few years, it has been if it is going to is the time and it seems way overdue as it is a laggard to some other GOLD stocks. @ .36 now.

MMTC - looks like it has finally bottomed and pivoting off the .015/.016 area. There has been HEAVY INSIDER BUYING higher.

ARDM volume surge @ .20...wonder if it can go...some size on offer. Chart looks bullish for a breakout..but imo..could take time

watching the issue. Has some interesting news that can lead to bigger gains..imo Low float

* Should be getting an update with more details from most recent pr.

Most recent pr:

(OCTI) watching the issue. Has a low float and seems to have alot of potential if you read the most current pr, you will get a better understanding of what they do.

*they seem to be getting alot of contracts (not alot $) but they are coming

DDD looking better after bouncing off of MA. Sales were off which led to the decline in pps..but that was due to issues with supply..not imo.... with issues being resolved, DDD should return back to higher highs..imo They just got NUPRIN and have an extended released product thru PHASE III. Think it looks good here..imo

TMEN - had a volume surge last week. Bids have started to climb. The issue looks like it is going to go higher. * They generate recurring revenues and look to have OVERALL PROFITABILITY by 2012. They have clean water and clean coal technologies. 2 important Joint Ventures they have are with AECOM (FORTUNE 500 COMPANY; they did BILLIONS this year) have a and they have a JV with BABCOCK POWER for their Clean Coal Technolgoy: Z.E.B.S

more info here (think we should hear some news or something..not announced but in here)


looking interesting over .40 (needs to stay over area..imo)


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10/28/10 6:58 PM

#351542 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me their recommendation. I'm looking to get a monitor and going to use it for trading. Do you think I should get several monitor, likes 2 - Dell 2407 24" monitors
Or one Dell 3007 30" monitor?
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11/11/10 9:19 AM

#355521 RE: $treet Trader #298483

ESPI bullish chart developing.

CONX - reporting after close - 10-q is out. Chart is suspect. *Insiders bought recently.

CORX - closed @ HI .205. Looking better. Good volume surges. See it heading over .25..imo

CEMI - GOLDEN CROSS - looks good... looking to add on pullback to .31- .35

*Possible buyout target as per filing. 2 companies are looking at them.

TMEN - on alert - waiting for volume before pushing the trigger

AMAR - looks interesting

CCTC - needs to move north today.

HTLJ is looking HOT... closed .19... Check recent insider transactions. HTLJ looks to go higher. Small float of 11m approx.

Even smaller, SPIN has a float around 5m. Near $1 and looking for it to go higher.

MOPN - starting to look good. Chart is getting more bullish. Waiting for more volume.

MMTC - insiders bought heavily over .05... Now near .01...looking for it around there. Keep on radar. Big things up ahead..but not sure timeframe...

RGN and SNT look interesting

and CSRH look like they are bottoming..imo
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11/11/10 1:33 PM

#355760 RE: $treet Trader #298483

PIED on alert

Been watching for about a week or so.

Took on "pawn" position.

Looking to add if there is more volume.

Looking for it to breakout over .03

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11/14/10 9:52 PM

#356431 RE: $treet Trader #298483

FWGO pick

With gold climbing higher and higher...Will have to go with

FWGO has incredible volume here. The price is just starting to climb here. Alot of accumulation.

It is now above the BB and could be having a huge parabolic move..imo

Looking for .25 - .45 area


Long term, FWGO has been in a nice trend up.....but soon about to get buck wild..imo

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11/14/10 10:19 PM

#356433 RE: $treet Trader #298483


Could be interesting if volume picks up


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11/18/10 11:53 AM

#358042 RE: $treet Trader #298483

NVLT warming up here: volume has been surging lately. PPS has been conservative..imo

ACUS: looking suspect here

STTN: volume surging today over .056


on radar
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11/18/10 3:08 PM

#358170 RE: $treet Trader #298483

CONX, BSHF, NVLT, SINX on radar with a few others.

Market has picked up here

CONX: also has insider buying.

HTLJ: has insider buying too

MOPN on watch too:

SINX: looks like it is trying to breakout of a downtrend here. It seems some impatient folk, I was hit on the bid @ .056 and .055 2x today. Have not heard news from SINX since September I believe. When volume starts coming in..this should edge closer to .10..imo

Looking for SINX to close over .057. If it can close above the 50 DAY today, I think SINX is in for some action in the next few days

STTN: volume surging today. Looking good as this is trying to break out of its slide

BSHF on watch around .065 - .08 here.... volume picking up a bit.

TMEN @ .35 today

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11/19/10 2:50 PM

#358549 RE: $treet Trader #298483

ADHC up 115% +

* still rel light volume

But chart looks really good here..imo

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11/22/10 9:51 PM

#358962 RE: $treet Trader #298483

SINX might be trying to breakout of downtrend here..imo

*There has been insider buying too

SINX: long term

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11/23/10 11:05 AM

#359125 RE: $treet Trader #298483

PSWS : alert - looks like it could be getting ready to move up. Volume spike today. Issue looking bullish here

BSHF: getting interesting. Stochs should be rounding soon (if it follows the fast stochs which indicate rounding and bullish uptick)

Bidding .061 for BSHF here. GOLDEN CROSS COMING.

Catalyst would be getting certification news from the UAE.


GEYI *alert*

Is this trying to break the downtrend here? Heavy volume today... Almost 1.5M shares in alittle over an hour. VERY ABNORMAL.

ACUS also looking interesting

CONX: looking good here- GOlden Cross near too

PWRM - volume surged today. Sold some @ .044


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11/29/10 7:40 PM

#360856 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Any of these worthwhile?

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12/02/10 10:50 AM

#362051 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Sir, have you looked at PIHN for its potential move this month?
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01/28/11 2:14 PM

#379258 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Membermarked you Street!
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03/03/11 2:24 PM

#391085 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Compensated Awareness Post View Disclaimer
GTXO GTX's GPS tracking apps for iPhone
If the federal government tagged millions of iPhone users with GPS tracking devices, the American people—or, at least, Apple devotees—might protest very strongly. But iPhones these days come with GPS installed, and companies make good money furnishing apps that utilize that very feature. On this list: GTX, who offers a pair of $4 GPS apps—GPS Tracking and Tracking—that provide workmanlike solutions for users who want to keep an electronic eye on their loved ones.

I found this on equityhive.....
Calculated values
Value of operating assets:($145.92) million
Cash:$706.87 thousand
Current Market Cap@$2.90M

GTXO CEO Patrick Bertagna will be speak to a room full of investors in Boca Raton, this week. Long term investors are the type of investors GTXO is looking for. Remember Investors must be marketed almost as much as customers do.... Best of both worlds being a public company isn't it?

Undiscovered Equities Winter Conference
March 2nd and 3rd, 2011

Discover Tomorrow's Billion Dollar Company...Today!™
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011

He will be discussing GTXO's position in an emerging 13 billion dollar market with a $100 million in contracts, plus GTXO's IP and distribution channels. Looks like the next few weeks for GTXO should be a good one!

I had emailed him a few questions about transparency in GTXO short interest, and the outlook for the future of GPS being used by so many social platforms.

He responded....

"Transparency- we agree 100%"

"GPS is starting to become ubiquitous- we have been saying this for years that “GPS will touch all of our daily lives, very much like cell phones and the internet does now.”

You can find the daily short interest numbers at my Daily Finra Short Interest Board - Think''SHO''Tank

I expect the CEO to influence new shareholders today, watch this one!
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03/04/11 1:58 PM

#391549 RE: $treet Trader #298483

aha now i see how you get all your membermarks lol

jk bro weee hope ya doin well!))giddyup lol
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03/10/11 9:46 AM

#392793 RE: $treet Trader #298483

VOXR .0295x.03
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03/11/11 10:48 AM

#393343 RE: $treet Trader #298483

CTYX looking good today on great news--at .015

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03/20/11 4:46 PM

#395346 RE: $treet Trader #298483

10k % this week coming ???
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Bruce the Stock Guy

03/30/11 10:15 AM

#398020 RE: $treet Trader #298483

NBRI (.082)Up on big volume this morning! -Low Float(83 mil O/S),Just successfully uplisted from the pinks to the OTCBB,Just aquired the Ruby Mine with all its infrastructure in place,JV's in place and giving us $$,Fully Reporting,Hundreds of valuable mineral claims..NBRI is A LOT of stock for .082!

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04/12/11 7:13 PM

#401110 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Compensated Awareness Post View Disclaimer
The Need For Weed-Mapping the Est. 2011 $1.7B Medical Marijuana/Cannabis Industry $CANA

Tobin Smith from EQUITIES Research recommends $CANA - Debate of Medical Marijuana Continues, Video on Fox Business

CANA the only phrase Cannabis Investors need to know.

Historical Highs and Lows
Historical Quote - 1 Yr Ago
-- Period -- -- High -- -- Low -- -- Percent Change --

4.9000 on 04/01/2011
1.7000 on 02/01/2011

5.6000 on 09/01/2010
0.0200 on 08/01/2010

New Highs and Lows
For The Last Made New High Percent From Made New Low Percent From
6-Month 4 times -1.02% 4 times +185.29%
2-Year 3 times -13.39% 2 times +24,150.00%

Lets twitter-up... email or tweet me your info
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05/19/11 2:25 AM

#407879 RE: $treet Trader #298483

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Made Young

05/20/11 12:57 AM

#408121 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$HNSS Daily Chart, News & name change???...

$HNSS Daily:


Possible name change for $HNSS????

"Name Change Proof (L2 name change)":

Boardmarked and person marked $treet Trader
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06/12/11 11:08 AM

#411587 RE: $treet Trader #298483

""Look Here To See a BEAST! VIZS ""

""Little To No Eyes..I-HUB Players In The Dark!
""New Ownership Taking Shape!
""Super Low Float 30.8M!
""Moved Bigg On Low To Moderate Volume On Friday!
""Technicals Coming On Line With a Huge Ceiling Above!

& Now The DD------->
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06/26/11 6:41 PM

#414052 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Hi Bud, how are you doing? I hope all works out well for you, bro!?

Have a close look on RCCH, please! BREAKOUT IMMINENT IMHO, ONLY ~23m left @.0002 (Ask), as soon as they`re absorbed there should start a nice FIREWORKS over there! ;-)

Would love it, if YOU would join us Longs over there and make some $$$$$$$$$$$$$s together!!! :-)

GLTY and your family!
~proper respect~

GO RCCH!!! ;-) :-)
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09/20/11 11:40 PM

#427034 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Hey. Most replies I seen so far. Nice
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01/03/12 2:05 PM

#436678 RE: $treet Trader #298483

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01/05/12 10:35 AM

#436910 RE: $treet Trader #298483

BBDA huge news out bro no more dilution or debt//shareholder impressive
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Penny Machine

03/13/12 4:03 PM

#446389 RE: $treet Trader #298483

CYA Tomorrow $treet
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06/13/12 10:23 AM

#458157 RE: $treet Trader #298483

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06/14/13 12:16 PM

#489689 RE: $treet Trader #298483

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12/23/13 1:01 PM

#500370 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$FNRC - Holiday Share Sale :)

Current ask only $0.0002
52-week range $0.0002 - $0.0201 !!!

Last week's range $0.0002 - $0.0005
Today range $0.0002 - $0.0004

Float is only ~207 million shares

Latest news:

Short Report:
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01/08/14 10:24 AM

#501028 RE: $treet Trader #298483

CWNR .0011 up
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08/14/14 9:16 AM

#515927 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Nice board! Boardmarked!
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09/09/14 12:47 PM

#517659 RE: $treet Trader #298483

ZNTR looking like it's getting ready to run. Great chart. DD might be in order
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10/03/14 1:40 PM

#519058 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$MJNA Medical Marijuana Inc Web Address:
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10/08/14 1:50 PM

#519268 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$MCP intraday chart
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10/30/14 10:50 AM

#520378 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$HEMP Swing Trade Intraday Treading upwards.
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12/22/14 12:31 PM

#522759 RE: $treet Trader #298483

What is this BTZO everyone is talking about? Do you have any info. on this stock?
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09/17/15 3:22 AM

#533340 RE: $treet Trader #298483

$MJNA Medical Marijuana, Inc.'s (OTC:MJNA) Kannaway recently announced the addition of Mr. Bradley (Brad) J. Tayles as Vice President of Operations. The company focuses on hemp history in the U.S., consumer education of the plant's more than 50,000 innovative uses, and the opportunity to take part in a "hemp revolution" that is returning hemp to consumers' daily lives with unique hemp cannabidiol (CBD) oil products.

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02/28/18 12:08 PM

#553762 RE: $treet Trader #298483

INTK, Accomplished 12 months of profitability through the end of 2017. On watch. Current likely soon....

NAPLES, FL, Jan. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (OTC PINK: INTK), a global leader in nanotechnology-based energy saving solutions, today announced a shareholder update on company progress and corporate developments.
"Our strategy is working. Our first focus in Q4 2016 and all of 2017 was consistent profitability. Through cost cutting measures and increased focus on our more profitable product lines and customers, we have accomplished that task and we have accomplished 12 months of profitability through the end of 2017," states Stuart Burchill, CEO/CTO of Industrial Nanotech, Inc. "Now we begin 2018 in a high revenue growth rate phase, created by continuing to cultivate and expand our relationships with our core customers and market sectors:

1. Fortune 500 Companies including, but not limited to: General Motors,
International Paper, Toyota, Post, Shell Oil, Exxon, PepsiCo, Johnson &
Johnson, Kellogg's, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Samsung, and Fluor Corporation.
All of these companies are either currently purchasing the Company's
products and expanding their use throughout their organization or
actively in the due diligence and education/training phase prior to
implementation of the use of the Company's products.

2. Worldwide Distributors including, but not limited to: three distributors
and a growing team of independent representatives in the United States,
and our current network of seven well established companies representing
the Company's products in England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany,
Africa, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Indonesia, Australia, Chile, Pakistan, Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

3. New Product Development: The Company continues to work on new
technologies including combined thermal insulation and corrosion
prevention products that are not coatings and super high temperature
thermal insulation coatings for release in 2018. Additional new products
and technologies are in the early R & D stages."

Stuart Burchill continues, "In addition, we continue to work to enhance shareholder value by increasing profitability which, in turn, we will utilize to fuel increased revenue growth while simultaneously cleaning up our balance sheet and capitalization structure and bringing our reporting and audit requirements current in preparation for application to list on a more senior exchange."

Additional information will be provided to shareholders periodically through upcoming press releases and continually at the Company's Facebook page and corporate website:
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$treet Trader

05/01/18 4:04 PM

#555078 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Cya AS
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08/23/20 10:19 AM

#571116 RE: $treet Trader #298483

I think I member marked you back in you're the Top Gun in trading...........

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$treet Trader

02/09/22 9:17 AM

#582781 RE: $treet Trader #298483

Good morning A$ & LD