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04/21/10 3:19 PM

#118 RE: Rotary Guy #117

Hello RG,

I suspect that Phila's answer would parrot yours pretty closely. You both know thede people and have a history with them and both of you seem pretty-much baffled that a self-proclaimed prosperous Company could find itself at the mercy of one (or more) individuals feeing them bad advice. A "quiet period" is certainly another possibility but one must ask; "When did this period begin?" Been awfully quiet for a helluva while now. lol.

The long and the short of it seems to be this; If these principals wish, they can remain indefinitely in the uncluttered, unregulated safety of the pinks wherein, if business permits, profits can be distributed at will. Kind-of like a private concern, but with shareholder funds at the root of the Co.

I keep reading such terms as "maybe, maybe not, hopefully" etc. when it comes to conjecturing on their future moves. Obviously, there is very little concern as to the investors' welfare, so long as everything is fine in Boulder. There is, therefore, little wonder that a Co. that SHOULD be worth much more than is currently the case -- isn't. I would say that the majority of the present shareholders are where they are due to blind faith which isn't much of an investment strategy, I'm sure you'll agree.

So, you may ask why this particular poster has deigned to remain invested. At present, two reasons only -- yourself and Phila. Oh yeah, there's blind faith too.


04/21/10 4:51 PM

#121 RE: Rotary Guy #117

I can tell you with almost complete certainty that the audit for the year ended July 31, 2009 is ongoing, or close to completion. Everything to that point is done. From all the folks I've spoken to, from CEO's to auditing firms of other OTC and Pink Sheet listees, there is absolutely NO reason to hold back on NRs. In fact, I was told by several of them, including their lawyers, that the opposite, withholding material events, is an SEC infraction.
Though I have no knowledge of it, they might be or were in a "quiet" period at some point over the last couple of years, but we're talking since 2003 LOL - absolutely no excuse is valid.
Don't get me wrong - I love these guys to death. Otherwise, I wouldn't be holding on. What can you say about one of the best engineers (Bacon might be THE best) in this field and a great salesman (Watwood), who together pulled this company through some really, really bad times. I'll bet that 99.9% of most outfits wouldn't have survived.
That said, however, the time is right to help the shareholders. In fact, they have an obligation to do so, because they have the greatest bunch of investors around. Most of us believed in the folks leading this company and in the technology, and still do. In fact, I know of at least two other guys who received calls for help, and wrote checks the next day. That, my friends, is FAITH. Other companies would kill for the shareholders these guys have, and its PAYBACK time, pure and simple.


04/21/10 5:15 PM

#123 RE: Rotary Guy #117

I would bet there only a handfull of investors left. What you think?