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04/12/10 10:53 AM

#18676 RE: luvthemtrainz #18675

Phoenix's electric motorcars shows a company willing to go it alone, getting credit deductions in cost by california gov't, using ALTI's advanced lithium nano battery, optionally charging in 10 minutes or overnight, but getting no traction in the press, headways in sales or partnership deals with major companies in US or world. Even if a small company goes it alone and succeeds there is no guarantee it will prosper and survive. To have to advertise over the internet and not dealerships and TV ads, is not a good sign, at least for a car company.


04/13/10 6:11 PM

#18677 RE: luvthemtrainz #18675

Transcript so far (reads from bottom up):

RE: Former worker, investor still hope for Firefly encore?
From: Xxxxx
Sent: April 13, 2010 4:07:33 PM

Hi Terry

Thanks for the response. No beration intended, the story you wrote was fine. It just always seems to me that news only hits the tip of the iceberg nowadays. Interesting considering we live in a world where 'mud' sells. Sort of like this guy - Adam Feuerstein - who writes slander for, mostly about pharma companies, and mostly to allow his cronies at to invest.

Ive contacted local news stations as well. regarding stories theyve ran, which barely scratched the surface of the real issue. Ive suggested followup questions/stories but no one seems to want to ask the tough questions. Its seems that if an earthshattering story lands in someones lap then its fair game, but never mind going out and getting one? Baffles me.

The PWTC/Firefly story is interesting to me (for obvious reasons). A number of us have tried to get things looked at but no one, including the SEC, seems interested? Youre story simply came across our DD and I thought it might be a chance to have someone followup. If you do find some time in the future feel free to contact me again.

Best of luck with the job situation.


Subject: RE: Former worker, investor still hope for Firefly encore
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 10:07:56 -0500
To: Xxxxx


If I have time, I will check further. Unfortunately, we’ve had a lot of layoffs. Hence, the slow response to your note.


P.S. I’m curious. Do you actually want a response? Or did you just want to berate me for trying?

From: Xxxxx
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 9:31 AM
To: Terry Bibo
Subject: Re: Former worker, investor still hope for Firefly encore


As long as youre following the story here why not go full out and report the entire list of facts? If you dig a little deeper into this outfit you will find that the technology that the battery is based on was stolen via a former technician from one mismanaged company called Power Technology Inc. The history is much longer than you portray here. Alvin Snapper, the original inventor of the battery technology, had enlisted PWTC to develop the battery. Unfortunately PWTC was the epitome of mismanagement over the years and despite a law suit (by Snapper) the company was raped into the ground several times by a number of known stock scam artists, the last of which 'retired' from the CEO position a couple of years ago. But the damage was already done with one of the development technicians flying the coupe and turning up at Firefly! Suddenly a spinoff from Caterpillar was formed and an amazingly similar battery technology, apparently created at Caterpillar, was launched. Unfortunately neither Snapper nor the raped PWTC has anything left to fight the issue. Snapper I would imagine was hoping to reap some royalty benefit from a finished product, but that is just speculation as he prefers to remain anonymous in the public eye.

Anyways if you want to look further into this matter this would be a good place to start. I wont hold me breath though as it would be typical to good ol american ingenuity and know how to only tell half truths that it an interesting story.

Current, bagholder of PWTC.