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04/08/10 8:53 AM

#11722 RE: Libyan #11721

Global Oil Tools ... haha ...

Take it from someone who knows - Gheryani was the smartest one of the bunch, and why he's free and enjoying your money, while Dial and the rest have nowhere to go.

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04/08/10 9:07 AM

#11723 RE: Libyan #11721

FYI: Maybe because you were in Libya but I did a google
on Ray a few years ago using his Libyian surname and found that he used that name in local Houston organizations such as Rotary club(I do not remember the specific orgns he was a member of. But he was a member of the Houston community using his REAL name.
Many people use another name in this country - mainly so one does not have to answer a lot of questions. It gets in the way of doing business.
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04/08/10 11:23 AM

#11728 RE: Libyan #11721

Exactly what I did suppose from the beginning
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04/08/10 11:23 AM

#11729 RE: Libyan #11721

Libyan (?) I'm not here to defend RG, but I like to try and keep things as real as possible.

I don't know who you are or what you're up to. Maybe RG did you wrong along the line and you're getting even with him. He did us all wrong, but I'm not going to try and distort any thing about him.

There is a lot suspicious about the things you are saying.

1. You try and discredit Global Oil Tools by disparaging their web site. Only a complete greenhorn would judge a small oil tool manufacturer by their web site. BTW. you seem hung up on web sites. Several references to them.

2. We've known that R.G. Raymond's real name was Gheryani from the very beginning. I talked to him a few times. Could be very unpleasant over the phone. He told me he was Libyan and that he had anglicized his name for business reasons. He said his parents had moved back to Libya a few years earlier, in order to establish business connection. I reported this on the RB board at the time. I misspelled his name. I think I wrote it Geriani.

3. You wrote something that makes me wonder if you are Libyan. Or if you are, you may be a 2nd or 3rd generation American. You wrote of BEN Gala. The man's name is BIN GALA.. BIN is "Son of" in Arabic. Ben has Hebrew origins. I doubt an Arab would have made that mistake.

Do you know The Dialer?

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04/09/10 11:28 AM

#11731 RE: Libyan #11721

A lot of foreigners use aliases and fictitious names.

Lyamec is a properly formed LLP which indicates their primary business is providing a service. Since they are not a Public company they are not held to standards set by the SEC.

What is the purpose of GOTL? Who are they scamming? They're not selling any stocks to anybody. So why have a fictitious website? What is the benefit? Who are they hurting?

In the United States all that is required to form a legal business is an address, Tax ID #, registration with the Secretary of State and pay taxes & fees. So in the legal sense Lyamec is legitmate & they do exist.

It's possible that RG Raymond may have participated in Grifco p&d scam to the extent Dial and Javis allowed. Dial & Jarvis was the main perpetrator and they did what ultimately benefited themselves.

I know a few RG Rayomond types that go around representing themselves as a head of a multi national organization with number of employees. In reality, a one man operation that mainly making money by brokering/networking 2 parties together to effect a business transaction.
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04/09/10 4:59 PM

#11732 RE: Libyan #11721

Hey Libyan

Did you go for a ride in RG's desert cruising, monster motor home while in Libya? Was it a rental? I thought Raymond/Gheryani got creamed in the mezzanine financing real estate debacle in '07. Was that just another scam to move the loot?

I believe that Global Oil tools has a real, though modest, business. Did they really get a nice new lathe out of the deal?


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04/12/10 12:08 AM

#11763 RE: Libyan #11721

Libyan, Jim Dial made a short

trip to Libya as you verified in your post. Seems you have more than a casual interest in Ghariani and some knowledge of Lyamec's modest operation in Libya. You post:

"Now, I believe I'm the only person here who has been in Libya (and is Libyan) and knows the Lymamec[sic] operation inside out."

What operations in Libya - was he scamming there too? Why bother with an office in a run down apartment building at all when you can just forward the phone calls? What else did Ghariani do there besides provide JD with hookers? (BTW JD got a loan to buy a strip club in the USA)

There was a photo published of a meeting with Libyan officials, supposedly over a manufacturing facility in the free trade zone. Total fake or did Ghariani's big ego leave some wreckage behind in Libya? You post:

"You want answers. I'll give you answers."

OK, I'm listening

I never could track down U.S. Department of State "Document 05028356-13" LOL