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04/07/10 11:06 AM

#185814 RE: David West #185781

Lawrence "this war is what we need and want" the idea that such a travesty on the investing world and the citizens whose funds and pensions were depleted overnight, by the acts of a colluding (gov agency) and a "big Wall Street" bank that is used to getting what it wants at all costs, leaving nothing but skeletons and bones for the cleanup crew is appalling and is should be drug out of the depths of the cave (which it lies in) and brought to the surface for all to see. If it takes a claim litigated by the bondholders to do this, then I welcome it.

The evidence is overwhelming in this case and the lack of ability of Weil to work on bringing it up, to force the parties to work together with checkbooks open, is not why the lawyers were employed. I want Quinn to be unleashed and let him get back to work. The abilities of that firm should never be forgotten or discounted, if we get this case moving forward again. It's like Rosen stalled the car 9 ran out of gas) and someone needs to make him open the tank lid (from inside the car) so we can pour in some gas and get this thing going again. I mean he is the driver. THJMW is giving the car a push !!

EC hiring heavyweight ex-Weil attorney is what was needed.

UST should prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law. If our system of justice and banking are to survive, the dirty laundry must be aired or the confidence will stay down in that cave for ages. Rosen is a puppet and needs to be removed by the new EC once the new valuation puts A>L. THJMW is moving the parties along the best she can, as some have said "giving them just enough rope to hang themselves with!"

Remember we are dealing with a "cheap scape" Greek and a powerful woman who will not ever admit she did anything wrong or was pushed into her decision by said Greek! They screwed up, by not settleing to good terms for all and keeping this court hearing from happening.

I was told "they never should have let it go this far, because bondholders finance banks and the banks are trying to screw them out of money they aRE LEGALLY LIABLE for." It is not enough for JPM to have made over 40 Bil off WAMU assets, they illegally received.

I want THJMW to unwind the entire deal and start over or WMI gets everything back. Should take about 6 months to funnel most assets back to the bank "hold co".


04/07/10 11:14 AM

#185818 RE: David West #185781


I doubt that prolong is the correct term. Equity will welcome discovery! If it takes longer than anticpated, so be it. We are in the driver's seat. JPMC, FDIC et al are passengers.

Take Care

Lawrence 147

04/07/10 11:16 AM

#185820 RE: David West #185781



Yep, I think the good judge realizes there is enough rope in the pile to hang them all. I am sure the U.S. Trustee does. As far as pre and post goes that only matters to the bondholders as a fraud claim only applies to them under contract laws. What truly matters is the true value of the company at the time of the seizure. This was the biggest mistake they could have ever made in the seizure as they have absolutely no accounting as to what was taken and sold, there was no (CYOA) for the FDIC or JPM. Neither can claim ignorance as JPM had the paperwork in to transfer WMBfsb prior to the close of the auction and being notified by the FDIC they were the chosen one. Though in the P&A the FDIC stated that JPM would not be able to Cherry pick it is apparent throughout the P&A that it was the intent of the P&A for JPM to have that ability.
The judge has recognized a theft occurred and recognizes another attempt in the process using her court room. What’s that sound I hear? Is it a ten person gallows being built?
