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03/22/10 2:29 PM

#94801 RE: wbmw #94798

wbmw -- I think the point was that those were the sort of responses we have (the great opportunity) to put right back in their faces when they do -- to among other things help take the steam on that score right back out of their base going into November -- not in all cases of course but in some, truth (delivered in a sharp counterpunch) will out, at least enough to induce some dissonance/discomfit with the standard Republican outrageous bs and lies -- in particular as more and more of their folks know or hear of someone in their own circle who is benefitting or will benefit from the reform -- and then we'll see how the turnouts play out come November -- . . .

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03/22/10 2:47 PM

#94811 RE: wbmw #94798

......I don't think it's about 'beckerheaded republicans' anymore - To me It's about stong effective democrats and the democratic leadership! ..

.....they will take some seats in november MOSTLY the 'red' ones dems took from them in 2008 BUT in NO way will they attain a majority in either house !! .....I am sure of this !

When you take an objective look at what they HAVEN'T done and WHAT they HAVE STOOD for since Jan. 21 2009 .. they don't have a chance !'s all ugly ! Their faces are ugly ! WHAT comes out of their MOUTHS is ugly.... and of course to thinking people - they notice that republicans have absolutely NOT come up with ONE idea .. that would contribute anything to the country .. !

They are just ugly Wbmw, I see it all the time. if you look at the teevee, even a little bit ... they are screaming all the time - whining & sniveling AGAINST "helping people YEAH that's right they scream against "helping people" ...They are ALWAYS angry ! their only specialty is hypocrisy. Another thing ... you notice how the only people who help are democrats ? Yep, I noticed .. it's goes back to Jimmy Carter .. what did he do after his presidency was over ? Yep, that's right ! he built houses for the poor - became a peace activist for the US all over the world, Look at Bill Clinton ...immediately leaving office .. bringing basic healthcare to third world countries everywhere PLUS the aids crisis in those places .. the 'bushes' ??? what do they do ??????????? THEY STAND at the side of X DEMOCRATIC presidents who INVITE them to be a part of enlisting help for humanitarian disasters which have happened somewhere in the world ... Again ! they are invited by democrats ! ......they are never ever the leaders in helping anything, especially people .. it even goes as far as our actors and actresses .. same thing all over again .. .. ! Sean Penn where is he ? in Haiti .. Helping people with his own hands, digging mud out of tents that had no floors in to begin with BEFORE the rains came .. ! what is 'chuck norris' doing ? ......why he's stroking his gun of course .. shouting about .. 'whatever' ........There are many many more examples, I think I've posted enough here for you to get the idea of what I am trying to say . The face of the republican is UGLY!

who wants to vote for that ? I think they would do much better IF they just kept their mouths shut ! ... I mean think about it ..WHEN ever 'republicans' open their mouths .. it's ugly
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03/22/10 5:45 PM

#94837 RE: wbmw #94798

And here's more of those ugly ANGRY faces for Americans to see .. check out the real crazy lady in pink at 2:20 or so .. I think she hits him ! please tell me who votes for this trash?