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03/21/10 5:42 AM

#178005 RE: travelmile #178004

It ist time that the government knowthat there baby is a big crookAnd if you would read a little bit more, all the writers always say to the youngsters, put only the money in here what you are prepared to loose. IMO we are getting stronger every day and this time the baby is not getting away with it
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03/21/10 9:02 AM

#178015 RE: travelmile #178004

Well Travelmile, maybe if enough young impressionable johnny utahs learn what is going on with these Good Old Boys, they can make a good educated decision about their future their childrens future,and not fall for the bs of having their hard earned money stolen out from under there noses. I have explained to my children and there friends and anyone who will listen about this debacle. maybe just maybe it will stop if not thru us than thru them. Oh ye of little faith!

Education Is Paramount!!!!!!!
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03/21/10 11:01 AM

#178026 RE: travelmile #178004

Travelmile, I will liken my comments on your post and apply it to the current health care debate going on. The Government in it's infinite wisdome is telling us the health care system in broken and we need to fix it. Well in reality as with WAMU there were certain aspects of their business doing very well and others not so well. So instead of our Government repairing just the portion of the uninsured in our country they want to revamp and take over the whole system, just like FDIC and JPM did with WAMU.

Oh dear WAMU your in deep trouble we can fix you up by buying you at a golden price only offered to JPM via FDIC. So in essence you are correct that the Government and JPM worked together to finalize this crooked deal. Hard to fight against that I agree. Where I fail to agree is in a courtroom still in America there is justice being served everyday, and in this particular courtroom with this Honorable Judge companies do not get away with such illegal ethics or actions. It has been proven in this courtroom no matter who you are you don't get away with much.

So you're arguement does hold water as in our Government will take over our entire health care system even though only a small portion requires some fixing. FDIC and JPM decided the whole of WAMU was failing so we must take it over, giving basic common shareholders no voice, no choice. So that alone with no consideration of the investors or investment community combined with the few days thereafter issuing TARP funds to their good big bank buddies smells to high heaven as an gift to JPM. No way around making that pig smell good. I think you are correct for the most part in your comments as is Fish but I for one believe that justice will prevail for shareholders here. May take awhile longer but the Judge can stop all this BS very soon.

One thing you learn in life is you do not let things fester along, you nip them in the bud and this has gone on way too long and festered way too much, so it's time for the Judge to do her nipping. GLTA here.
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03/21/10 12:54 PM

#178040 RE: travelmile #178004

I agree with almost everything you said except one thing. JPM does not control the legal system. i.e THJMW and UST (DOJ)..They do control lawyers and accountants, but not this Judge or McMahon, They both have immense powers. I have always put my faith in these 2 to get it done right for equity.

We will leave it at that,

Good Post though!
