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03/19/10 7:55 PM

#299546 RE: janice shell #299544

That's why this post was so realistic

I'll tell you what would be funny is they do give us a settlement for .00005/.0001 per share depending on how many you have. You want to see insanity. This would be a great stimulus, 30,000 - 40,000 (minus about a 1000 in their right mind shareholders)have to check in to a mental hospital. Just think of the new jobs, new hospitals. Yep I can see it now the wacked out shareholder telling the intern "but, but, but I paid .0001 pps and I know I am entitled to a 10,000% return because they told me so, but who told you so, my friends on a special board, what special board, you know the board, no I don't know the board, but, but I'm telling you we were promised such a big pay day, it was bigger than the US budget - am I really that crazy? Wait I'm hearing little voices, oh no calgon take me away. Don't worry sir, it will be alright especially with that white suit you have on".

I have to call Mel Brooks because this could be a sequel to a "Mad, Mad World"
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03/19/10 9:09 PM

#299573 RE: janice shell #299544

Janice so, thats from today? Wow