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03/19/10 12:21 PM

#27400 RE: bacchus17 #27399

Wow! with that type of technology

If they are getting 30 million dollar contracts VTSI must be just around the corner from singing a deal for four times that amount LOL.

There must be something missing that was not on their website because if that is the true competition for VTSI's product I cannot understand how VTSI has not signed contracts for the amount I joked about. There must be something in the details we are missing because I agree there just does not seem to be a comparison.

Maybe this was a "it is not what you know but who you know deal" for that other company. I will say that their website is a little nicer but I guess if you are signing 30 million dollar contracts your website can be more extensive.

Nevertheless VTSI still seems to have a better understanding of the all-around 360 degree training aspect involved in the real world. Combat is not a uni-directional threat and training that exploits this has a huge role over the forward facing threat training.

Best regards,