"That leaves your analysis simply saying that for some unspecified reason there are "droves" of heterosexual individuals who want to pay $10-12 a month to subscribe to a gay-lesbian TV channel."
Sorry if I wasn't clear Sleiii. I'm talking about two separate channels.
Clearly one can make a case that, for many straight males, half of what Q will be offering in its present form would "kind of get in way" of what they're really after. Heck, if even if you're a lesbian, I presume that the same thing more or less holds.
And possibly something similar for many straight and lesbian gals thinking about subscribing.
I mean, consider what straight males and females are often searching for when they subscribe to those "other" specialty channels.
But you separate the channels ... that's potentially explosive IMO from the standpoint of increased subscribership, be they gay, lesbian, or straight.
Also please take a look at Skunks' #44070.