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08/25/02 1:33 PM

#2320 RE: stiv #2318

Thanks Stiv......great chart! :-)

The X_DEV charts page has been updated......of note:

1) The Q's are in cash but need a re-opt if price holds over $26

2) SMH is in cash at what looks like a perfect timing call by X_DEV.....especially if the sox fades as I expect it to over the next couple 3 weeks.

3) QLGC is all in stock and might be in a precarious position near term on a sox fade......longer term it's fine though imo. Still a double compared to a (-11%) loss for the hapless b&h'r.

4) BRCD caught a coupla good X_DEV sells last week, which our Bikeh was able to capitalize on. Great job Bikeh!

5) EMC - the new settings are werkin it just fine. Caught an X_DEV sell Thursday right near the top. Gotta love it! You catch that Mark109?

6) KLAC - X_DEV nailed the near term highs here as well:

7) PCS - now in all cash after 3 consecutive sells. Will need a re-opt on a break and hold over $6

8) AMZN - cashed in nicely last over $17

9) DELL- cashed out a bit early on DELL, but bank is over $28 but i think a fade is in store here in the short term as well.

10) INTC - nice round trip on INTC from $16 to the high $18's recently. Looks like it cashed out in a timely manner like KLAC

11) RYVYX has indicated a reversal, but I'm holding off on a re-opt until price is over $12 here.

12) RYVNX - may be a buy here if my bearish short term view holds water:

13) S&P - cashed out in consecutive fashion last week - big time sign of caution for longs.

14) Dow - ditto

Other newz - X_DEV version 3.0 is coming along nicely. Yong says late October is a possibility......but don't write it in stone. Much testing needs to be done first. I want it to be just right and will not release it be4 it's time.

Just got the "Lord of the Rings" on DVD........excellent flick.........enjoyed it just as much at home as I did in the theater! Can't wait for the 2 towers near Xmas.
