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03/05/10 12:22 AM

#493 RE: lbdave #492

My main point yesterday was to express that this still could run today which it did in the am. Heck, you could have still gotten in at open today at .031 and made a nice 50% profit. I don't marry any of these stocks and i never said i did. In fact, i even posted that many of the $12.00 next on the L2 crap was ludacris (see link for my post on this last night). My information to back this up were the buys and sells yesterday which shows that it most of the buying on Wednesday was above .03 for larger blocks than the sells which bought it back down at EOD. Also i mentioned that NSTLQ's 6K's span over 3-4 years and have not been "corrected" yet and none were posted under NASSCO's IR page, which to me seemed odd. You would think after 4 years this would have been corrected by now.

It all boils down to this: IHUB is not the only board out there. We are only a small % of the traders out there. You guys made it seem like this was going to tank straight out of the gates and no profits could be made off of it. The vast majority of traders outside of I-Hub probably still don't recognize the mix up. You gotta look at the big picture here....not once did i say to buy and hold this for $12 or anything close to that.

My post from last night: