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03/03/10 7:16 AM

#383 RE: LOL #378

cautionupahead, to better understand that BEDA data…

That’s the beauty about the Reg SHO List. The cumulative thought only applies to those stocks that have been officially placed on the Reg SHO List for consecutive trading days which is an indication that a covering has never transpired. Because it only shows the ”shares naked shorted” data and not the ”shares covered” data, the DD I posted elaborating on how the data is cumulative does not apply to all stocks within the FINRA Index providing that data. For most of those stocks, a covering probably takes place either that day or within 3 settlement days, but not here with BEDA as I will further explain why.

The FINRA data only paints the first portion of the picture which is why such data has to be combined with the Reg SHO data that ”officially” confirms if a covering has ever taken place or not. Since BEDA has now been on the Reg SHO List for 53 days and counting, we know that a covering has not taking place for the past 53 consecutive trading days for BEDA.

Being on the Reg SHO List confirms that each day should be viewed separately to represent the activity of volume traded that transpired for that day without ever showing that the previous day's naked shorted position was ever covered. Remember, the short volume for the day is out of the total volume for that day and not from any of the previous days.

See the 53 consecutive trading days of BEDA being on the Reg SHO List as 53 different stories being told. Or better yet, see it as 53 days of dollars you lose after leaving the casino. Imagine if you go into a casino with a certain amount of money represented by the total volume. Now imagine you gamble that money and lost the amount that is represented by the short volume indicated. That is Day 1. Now comes Day 2 and you have a different stash of money that now reflects the amount of money you lost for Day 2… and so on… and so on… and so on. Now imagine a list existing confirming that you never made back during any of those days the money you lost for 53 consecutive gambling days while you were in the casino. Your deficit would be cumulative and the clock would not restart until you would have confirmed a break in the action where you would have at least broke even to have at least made back what you had lost.

This is why the data has to be compiled. Each day of BEDA short data reflected on the FINRA Index represents a separate block of uncovered naked short shares data. This data doesn’t go away because a new block of naked short data from a ”different” group of volume from a ”different” group of more shares naked shorted from a ”different” group of total shares generated for the next day have been created. It stops being cumulative the day that BEDA comes off of the Reg SHO List which is ”official” confirmation that a covering has actually transpired. Until then, the deficit grows. Again, this is the thought as long as BEDA remains on the Reg SHO List confirming that a covering had never taken place. As of today, BEDA is still on that list.

I have to reiterate that the beauty here with BEDA too is that the share structure has not changed in a long while and the Transfer Agent (TA) is ungagged. These are two very important variables that must continue to be monitored. From when I spoke to the company, we have no worries on those issues.
