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03/01/10 4:59 PM

#16840 RE: cassius #16838

I received an email response from JD today everyone. I'm going to sum things up like this. I've been back and forth on this one as to whether I believe him or if I don't. My final decision is that he's truly a straight shooter. He wrote up a long detailed email that I will not post here due to respect to him.

Based on what he explained about the projects involved with FC and HEV development, it proves he knows his stuff. He truly doesn't care what happens with the stock price right now guys and gals. He explained that there are a lot of people out there that think we're going to the moon right away, and what they don't realize is that there is still some work to do.

All I can say is that we will see updates on the projects since he is fully engaged now. Unfortunately "objectives, then specifications, materials assessment, procurement, the machining of custom parts, construction, assembly and testing (in multiple configurations. The cells, the stack, the balance-of-plant, control systems and software, is what needs to happen before we see any big moves here. Anything that moves us up is all hype and speculation.

I'm in this for BIG money, and agree with him when he says watching this everyday is going to kill us. The slight ups and downs, and forums we read will cause us all to have a heart attack.

Here's my advice. If you're in this to make a quick buck and you're waiting for this to blast off very soon, well then get out cause its not going to happen. If you're here because you would like to be in on the floor when something REALLY good happens, and you're willing to take the chance, then hold/add to your position, and simply ride this out for the next year. Imagine something comes together and everything he's promised makes its appearance on stage! We own enough to make us millionaires within the day.

I'm done killing myself over this one. If he's lying to me then HEY, I'm a sucker. If he's legit, and he's as smart as I think he is, then I'm investing for my future here.

GLTA who decide to hold on here or move on. Either way I'm sure everyone will make some money somewhere. As for me, I'm invested and too far into this one to let it go.
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03/02/10 2:36 AM

#16847 RE: cassius #16838

The sec will do something about it. I already received notice on two different occasions asking if I wanted to be part of a class civil lawsuit against a company to reclaim losses.