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02/27/10 10:09 AM

#63354 RE: neophyte184 #63352

neophyte184, I respect your posts very much because you take the time to actually analyze every situation brought up. I have been a little vulgar in the past to people and I apologize to them for that but the MMJ has a soft spot for me. I have been a Medical Marijuana activist for a long time and was really hoping the best for this company. I have to leave for most of the day so when I return home I will post my opinions regarding your response to my post from last night. I only post so much because I feel I have been scammed and if it is a scam then they are hurting the industry that I truly respect. I do not do it for newbies or anyone else. The main thing that is alarming is all the insider emails everyone has received and most importantly the PR about retiring 2 billion shares while raising the A/S to 20 billion. That one makes no sense and is the biggest red flag for this company. Shortly after that PR, put the Skull and Crossbones up.

Have a great day and I will post an in depth response tonight when I have time. I truly hope that no one is getting gassed and that I am wrong but it does not look good so far. Take care.
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02/27/10 12:19 PM

#63356 RE: neophyte184 #63352

Neo, tommy, ICEQUITY and a few others, you know who you are:

THANKS for fighting the good fight here and keeping folks like myself in the game. I admit I remain on the fence here but I am not selling any of my 8 million until we know what is going on for sure.

I've given this a lot of thought as I'm sure most of you have too. This is what I've come up with.

First, why would so many spend so much of their time slamming this company? If I bought a car and felt like I'd been taken advantage of, I might go to the dealership and raise hell. I might even write a letter to a local newspaper warning others to stand clear because of my experience with them. But I would not put my entire life on hold and spend all day every day at that car lot picketing and complaining. I would just move on. Again, why do so many find it useful to stand in front of HESG's car lot all day every day to slam them? You'd only do that if you felt like you had something else to gain. There can be no other explanation.

The lack of advertising, sales, and a website has caused me concern. But once this gets going, I don't think those things will matter because sales of this type will be localized. Once a patient hears about a location near them, there will be no need for radio, TV, newspaper, or Internet exposure and the cost of those any more than you'd see much of that for your private doctor.

The lack of transperancy concerns me. But thinking that through, I see the brick wall they are facing with all the static they get just from this message board alone. I put myself in their shoes and I wonder if I would just be quiet too. Add to that the obvious fact that at least Frank does not have any communication skills and keeping quiet starts to make a lot of sense.

It may take a while for this to form into something of value but I think it may be worth the wait and perhaps in a very big way. I don't know where this is going but I like the "what ifs". What if I had to wait 3 years but at that point my shares were worth 10 cents each. I could get with the idea of retiring in 3 years. Meanwhile, the money I have here will not be missed if I lose it all which I believe is the only way to trade any stocks.

Good luck to all who have been able to hang on through these dark times. To those who cannot, please just move on and see if you can find what you are looking for somewhere else.