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02/22/10 9:06 AM

#4477 RE: proteome #4476

Good. Stick that pig in the back and twist that ****


02/22/10 10:43 AM

#4494 RE: proteome #4476

I know I'm in the minority here, but it bothers me greatly that the company would put out a press release about this. Am I alone in thinking this???

If you know you've been unfairly attacked, you don't need to vigorously defend yourself. Why play into their games? Secondly, to refer to the positive article as simply news service, but to refer to the negative article as a "tabloid story" is ridiculous. Both stories have an agenda that, in my opinion, is not for the good of the common investor. Both writers wrote their stories to make money on their own investments. The fact that the company specifically went out if its way to mention both articles smells fishy to me. Why not just focus on the street if that's your beef?

I really hate crap like this. It makes me seriously question my investment. I've seen this time kind of unnecessary response from scam companies time and again, most recently BIEL and HEB. The technology sure looks promising, but this management is doing an awful job in my opinion. Chill out with the press releases, please...


02/22/10 12:17 PM

#4501 RE: proteome #4476

The reference to AF's article as "Tabloid" journalism is simply an industry term used to connote something sensationalistic and basically twisted to include one or more untruths. As responded to by the company, the clear implication is that AF did a "hatchet job" on the company with many misstatements, errors, omissions and untruths---so, in fact, it was a "Tabloid" piece and deserving of the title from the company.

Kudos to the company for standing up to the media falsehoods. Among the choices the company faced, it was the best option among several choices. Using credble surces in its reply was actualy a smart move.