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02/22/10 10:46 AM

#4495 RE: gophilipgo #4494

Because what was printed was libel or very close. Also with the agreements in place with Quest Diagnostics , Abbott Laboratories and Clarient Inc. They need to protect their partners as well.

I would be concerned if they did not respond to those statements in that article.


02/22/10 10:48 AM

#4496 RE: gophilipgo #4494

imho - HDVY did what it has to do - defend for itself. Some companies keep quiet - others do not.

It is a "Damn if you do, Damned if you don't". Can't please everybody. But the company has to stand up for what it does!

Some folks will question why isn't the company responding to these false statements. While others question if it does!

HDVY also is in a bind based on their contractual agreements with Quest, Abbott.

Chart for HDVY tells me that that we are in a downward bias (not much!) for next couple of days. Overall market sentiment tells me that we are setting up for a run (in the large cap equities).



02/22/10 11:05 AM

#4498 RE: gophilipgo #4494

We did not play their game our professional throughout the world set them in their own corner without us lifting a finger. If read it again the punches did not come from us it came from the CANCER SOCIETY and many other. It was also need to be seen that Barnhill is keeping abreast with waht is happening as he is able to block the BS and has done so for far too long. I have been here over 6 years and have seen just about everything from and to us so yes it was needed for someone or something to call their task and punch Adams lacking of knowledge to the dart board where he belongs to hang until further notice. Cramer and his men cover far too much areas but with little depth as they are looking only for what they value for themselves. We could not stand here and let them throw punches at us and have them hit us now could we. We did fine by using other higher and neutral authorities to basically kick their ass! aSimple as that as we did not ask to be treated that way and by god we won't eat what anyone else wishes us to. We eat what we chose to eat screw them. They are invited to the table if they can be good little boys next time!

king oil

02/22/10 11:10 AM

#4499 RE: gophilipgo #4494

I think they were forced to mention biomedreports because thestreet piece specifically mentioned quotes from biomedreports. HDVY did say that it appeared to be a disagreement between the 2 groups (biomed and thestreet). I think the choice of wording (tabloid) was an attempt to discredit thestreet further. Frankly, thestreet piece was unusually poorly written and lacked any real investigative research. Biomedreports referred to its info as "rumor" and "speculation" while thestreet piece presented the info as if it were fact. I'm glad that HDVY responded and set the record straight. I find it odd that thestreet never bothered to speak with the journalists of other publications (NY Times, WSJ) regarding the PSA test and I'm glad that HDVY called them out on that.

Chance To See

02/22/10 5:13 PM

#4536 RE: gophilipgo #4494

gophilipgo, you are correct that it was quite unseemly for HDVY to refer to the Biomed report in positive terms (“an independent, positive report”) when it is as much a piece of crap as the Adam Feuerstein hatchet job.

I agree that it is disappointing that HDVY responded as they did, which sounded hysterical and defensive to me. But I disagree with the idea that they should not have responded at all. They are a small company and has a wide audience. If HDVY had not let their anger get the better of them, this would have been an excellent opportunity to clearly present their work and information about diagnostic tests (including the PSA mess) while calmly refuting the inaccuracies in Feuerstein’s article.

With skillful writing and care they might have gotten (and others) to see the enormous potential for a company with proven pattern-recognition technology which has already discovered a number of potentially life-saving biomarkers.