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Zeev Hed

08/20/02 6:44 PM

#17636 RE: sylvester80 #17630

If they do, it will be relentless selling all over again, and they would probably be selling a bottom. After all, we catered during the Nassacre on less than one tenth that amount in term of mutual funds redemptions. I would not worry about it, the Saudi love their money more than their mores. Where will they put that money to work, in Saudi Arabia? I doubt it, there is an old old fatwa against charging interest. They surely are not going to invest it in Palestine to help their brothers there and provide decent work and decent living, maybe, G-d forbid, peace.


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08/20/02 6:50 PM

#17642 RE: sylvester80 #17630

I do not think this sort of threat by Saudis is going to work.
When Iraq not only invaded but even occupied Kuwait and was about to invade Saudi Arabia, lot of the same Rich Sheikhs both from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were seeking safe haven in Europe and the U.S. I know this for fact because I had relatives living in Kuwait during the Iraq invasion.
I think Saudi Arabia is not partly but fully responsible for what has/is/will be going on in Middle East. Simply put Saudis have the worst possible double standards and are the worst hypocrites. You can take that to a bank.

I would not comment any further on this since this is Zeev's no-politics threat. But the point is Saudis will switch sides in a blink.