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02/21/10 6:02 PM

#121058 RE: 69 hemi charger #121057

My personal controversial opinion is that anything we can do to reduce pollution on this planet is a good thing and we should research and adapt to safer and more logical alternatives. Companies like WNBD will benefit regardless of GW being proven fact of myth because reducing toxic chems in our life MAKES SENSE... but IMO its obvious with all the data coming out that the HEART of global warming is fear and greed, not saving the planet.

Some of these people that blindly devote their mental capacity to believing GW is ALL fact and not even worth debating/researching further, are at the level of religious/cult fanatics IMO. It should be debated until there is no stone left unturned. Especially when you consider that they are using a couple hundred years worth of data to validate millions of years worth of changes on this planet... The fact that there are so many inconsistencies with the data, along with flat out ADMITTED manipulation by the people at the TOP, it should give anybody with some intellect pause.

...and is it not amazing that the godfather of the GW topic (Maurice Strong) made his billions from oil?... He had to step down from a top seat at the UN because of the Oil for Food scandal which took advantage of Iraqi people in need... This guy is all about $$$ and power, not the planet. If he cared so much about the health of the planet he would not be slamming the use of oil, while developing oil properties... Hes playing both sides of the field, so he can maintain power no matter which way the wind blows. If his heart was in his words he would not be funding oil ventures IMO

Hopefully my fellow Americans will wake up before the government completely destroys/devalues the dollar with aggressive climate policy, which eventually might force us into a world currency. IMO going to a world currency would destroy the quality of life that our parents worked so hard to create. Theres too much corruption in this world to put our faith/assets in the hands of power brokers that would love to see the leader (America) fall...Some of the climate policy has its merits, but there are some political instruments being proposed that are very detrimental to protecting our security and jobs. We will lose jobs at a dramatic rate if our companies are tied down and other countries are allowed to do what they please. China LOVES the climate policy being proposed for America, along with many other countries welcoming American companies with open arms... And keep this in mind... If America goes into a great depression because of policy, the environment will suffer regardless cause there wont be any tax revenues to pay for anything. The environment would be the LAST thing anybody would care about. All Tax revs will go to the necessities... National security and jobs are the most important things the gov should be focusing on right now. Without these, you cant support anything else... and this goes for both Dems and Repubs. They need to get their heads out of the bleep and support the PEOPLE, not their pocketbooks.

IMO It will be companies like WNBD that lead us to a cleaner world, not governments and their money hungry interest groups.

PS: Im not saying that GW isn't happening, frankly i dont know for sure. My mind is still open... My point is that theres significant corruption involved and possibly the largest power grab every seen in the history of this planet. People need to wake up and do their OWN diligence before they've squandered our childrens future... Relying on paid shills like Al Gore to explain things, whom does not even practice what he preaches, is a sure fire way to get scammed. Hes nothing more than a Politician with $$$$ in his eyes. History tells us thats a very bad combo... FYI, hes on pace to make over $1 billion dollars from GW promotion directly and indirectly. Is he doing it from his heart, or for the money?!... If he REALLY wants to make a statement he would donate ALL the $$$ to an environmental fund that he is not part of. Hes already worth a lot of $$$, he dont need it.