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02/21/10 6:38 PM

#121059 RE: User-65225 #121058

Wow... couldn't agree more. Excellent post.


02/21/10 6:45 PM

#121060 RE: User-65225 #121058

Your personal opinion more than likey is the same as millions of us who feel paralyzed by the rhetoric that we are inundated with daily and yet billions are being made from this effort. Great post and I agree 1000 %.

BTW I just love Jesse Ventura, he tells it like it is. Just like you Rocket. ~.0


02/21/10 7:25 PM

#121061 RE: User-65225 #121058

Rocket...another great post by you. Couldn't agree more!


02/22/10 12:31 AM

#121067 RE: User-65225 #121058

Global Warming/climate change probably does exist, but probably not at the levels that proponents are claiming. Regardless of whether or not it exists, humans are going to need to shift to more renewable energy sources as natural resources like oil and coal are depleted, as these are finite. The smart thing would be to GRADUALLY shift away from using natural resources as they are depleted, or to at least have the infrastructure in place to make a switch when the time comes.
As with any new technology, the government should understand it, monitor it, and regulate it to an extent, but should fall short of mandating it. The best innovations and breakthroughs will always come from the private sector anyway.
Humans have been burning fossil fuels for nearly a century and we are now just beginning to see the affect? Something doesn't quite jive there - granted there is more industry, cars, and people now than ever, but it all seems a little too conveniently timed.
Energy and pollution will be only one of many problems facing people in the next couple of centuries. Another more important one would probably be feeding an ever-growing population.

And I'm pretty sure a good hunk of politicians in Washington ARE "religious/cult fanatics." ;-)

69 hemi charger

02/22/10 12:41 AM

#121068 RE: User-65225 #121058

Thanks Rocket for a reply worthy of a Pulitzer prize i was trying to raise investor awareness as to the true meaning behind GW in the grand skeem of things.I think we are all glad that WNBD is a responsible company that produces a viable enviormentally friendly ,non toxic product and most importantly it has no association remotley or directly with any of the high profiting illicit so called green companys.In other words we are clean through and through (no pun intended).I find the idea of existing in a world where there is only 454ss Camaros unbearable and unlivable.PS sorry for the delayed reply but i am only allowed one kick at the can daily.


02/22/10 9:27 AM

#121075 RE: User-65225 #121058

Rock, I replied to your post but I replied to myself...carpe diem.