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Replies to #873 on Tiger Talk
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02/20/10 10:48 PM

#874 RE: The_Free_Nebula #873

I was at a sports bar last night that was packed. They turned up the volume for a re-run of the Tiger conference. NOt a dry eye in the place. Everyone was laughing and booing and mocking.

he sure didnt do a very convincing job
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02/20/10 10:52 PM

#875 RE: The_Free_Nebula #873

I could not believe how all over the map the "critiques" of his apology were. Obviously that had to be really hard for Tiger to do. The guy's embarrassed, disappointed in himself, feeling pretty down, what the heck do all these critics expect???

The level of news reporting in the modern era just keeps getting worse and worse. If they can't create a story, within a story, within a story they aren't pleased. The smuttier and degrading they can make it look, the better in most of these guys points of view.

It's all another reason why I watch the news less and less anymore.