Maone, how do we know that these shorts will start covering next week? I know its because of the infomericals they will see on tv but what if they just dont cover or short some more? Also is there a way of truly finding out how many shares are avail to short from all the brokerages?
So, in this case, I believe we have a very high short interest - 6.5M/23.1 .. just too high. Also the FAQs says that shortes try to cover in appx 7 days. Which means appx 2/8 to today.. and this has the max shorting done - esp on 2/8 (day of cc) and ofcouse today. The articke also describes short squeeze. And that its a nigh-mare for shorters. If we can get a decent jump on Monday, this stock could rocket, and I agree with Maone - 3x your ask. I am new to this game, and so, admit, I am scared! But I am also not selling TSHO at this point!!
Maone Is it worth posting :why stock is going down" and others on the yahoo board?
On another note: James from ESR called me today. Assured me that everything is where it should be at this time. ESR expects to see 1.91 in a few months from now on one product.