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Stock Lobster

02/17/10 11:21 PM

#307975 RE: Tuff-Stuff #307961

GHTI: Remember that one? What a pure POS, lol

The GH3 pump-and-dump scheme occurred between October and
December 2006. Dynkowski orchestrated this fraud with Defendant Matthew Brown,
who operates a penny stock website called Brown introduced
Dynkowski to a representative ofGH3, and to Defendant Jake Canceli, a penny stock
promoter who participated in the scheme. Brown acted as a liaison between Dynkowski,
Canceli, and the issuer. Dynkowski and his associates used wash sales, matched orders,
and other manipulative trading
, timed to coincide with false, misleading, and touting
press releases by the company, to artificially inflate the price ofGH3 stock
. Canceli
provided the accounts from which Dynkowski subsequently sold purportedly unrestricted
shares received from the issuer. The scheme culminated in mid-December 2006, with
Dynkowski dumping 312 million shares ofGH3 stock for total proceeds of $747,609.


Posted by: Stock Lobster Date: Thursday, December 21, 2006 6:54:46 PM
In reply to: stock_hippie who wrote msg# 303 Post # of 307974

GHTI has inspired a special award

The "Sure Flo Golden Turd" award for stocks so awful, Harvey wants to bury them in sand.


Posted by: Stock Lobster Date: Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:03:34 AM
In reply to: nkdroth who wrote msg# 12251 Post # of 307975

Warning Pic #5, Fake Bid support GHTI

LAMP, MICA, SALI, SEAB and NITE on the bid seem to be the gang to be wary of these days, and MICA acting as the diluter on the ask is becoming more common.

In the case of GHTI, these same market makers, who looked so harmless and supportive on the bid, turned around in a minute, and began selling relentlessly, forcing the PPS down without!

Stock Lobster

02/17/10 11:51 PM

#307985 RE: Tuff-Stuff #307961 GHTI, now we know why I was told I had to be respectful of GHTI, when I actually wanted to be the moderator of the board simply so I could put a giant Hazardous Waste sign in the ibox as a warning to new traders

GH3 InternationaL Inc.
29. GH3 is a Nevada company that purports to market anti-aging products.
The GH3 pump-and-dump scheme occurred in October-December 2006 and generated
fraudulent proceeds of $747,609. In late 2006, Brown, Dynkowski, and Canceli attended
a meeting at the offices ofAIS in California with a representative ofGH3. Another
representative ofGH3 participated in the meeting by telephone. Brown, Dynkowski,
Canceli, and the two representatives from GH3 planned the pump-and-dump scheme at
this meeting. They agreed that GH3 would issue company stock in 52 million share
increments to Canceli for $0.001 per share, with payment due after Dynkowski succeeded
in inflating the market price ofGH3 stock and selling those shares to unsuspecting

Dynkowski inflated the market price ofGH3 stock through manipulative
trading timed to coincide with misleading and touting press releases. Brown helped to coordinate
the timing ofthis manipulative trading with the press releases, by serving as a
liaison between Dynkowski and Canceli, who was in contact with representatives of
GH3. When the scheme began, GH3 traded for merely four-hundredths ofa penny
($0.0004), but the efforts ofDynkowski, Brown and others in the scheme eventually
propelled the stock's price to a high of 1.8 cents per share - a gain ofmore than 4,000

...Starting on December 4, and continuing through December 13, 2006,
Dynkowski and others, such as Brown, engaged in manipulative trading ofGH3 stock,
including using wash sales and matched orders to inflate its price.

...In order to keep the price ofthe stock up while selling these shares,
Dynkowski continued to engage in manipulative trading, and the company issued
additional press releases. Indeed, at one point, Dynkowski instructed Brown to have the
company issue a press release stating that the company had ordered a non-objecting
beneficial owners (''NOBO'') list from its transfer agent. The purpose ofthe ''NOBO
press release" was to mislead investors into believing that the massive selling of GH3
stock (for which Dynkowski was responsible) was attributable to short sellers. GH3
issued the misleading NOBO press release on December 8, 2006, just as Dynkowski was
dumping the shares from Canceli's accounts.


Posted by: Stock Lobster Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:11:40 AM
In reply to: morcash who wrote msg# 192667 Post # of 307984

GHTI! I'm actually the moderator of that board (or at least i used to

That's one of the charts I posted, an amazing near vertical plunge from over 01 to .0001 in less than two weeks.

So many of us got royally buggered by GHTI that I had to moderate the board, and I filled the ibox with pictures of nosferatu, dessicataed mummies for the 'before' shots and a few articles about how Romania is the organized crime capital of Europe...y'know important investor information to help them make an informed buying decision.

Matt told me I had to be respectful, tho, so I took out Nosferatu, but I think I left Borat as one of the scientific 'experts' explaining the science of Romanian Beauty.

I also made a known shorter the asst moderator of the

I originally wanted to simply put up a giant toxic waste hazard symbol, but again, I was told I couldn't mock the play..although if there were ever a stock that needed mocking and a giant "DO NOT ENTER" sign that was it.