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#307340 RE: Stock Lobster #307339

UKT: Germany growls as Greece balks at immolation

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Published: 7:49PM GMT 14 Feb 2010
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The EU has issued a political pledge to rescue Greece – and by precedent, all Club Med – without first securing a mandate from the parliaments of creditor nations.

Holland's Tweede Kamer has passed a motion backed by all parties prohibiting the use of Dutch taxpayer money to bail out Greece, either through bilateral aid or EU bodies. "Not one cent for Greece," was the headline in Trouw. The right-wing PVV proposed "chucking Greece out of EU altogether".

Germany's Bundestag has drafted an opinion deeming aid to Greece illegal. State bodies may not purchase the debt of another state, in whatever guise.

The EU is entering turbulent waters by defying these irascible and sovereign bodies. It had no choice, of course. Europe's banking system was – and is – at imminent risk as Greek contagion spreads across Club Med. The danger of a "sovereign Lehman" setting off a chain reaction is very real, with Britain too in the firing line. I find myself in the odd position of backing drastic EU action, for fear of worse. We all go down together if this escalates.

The last two weeks have cruelly exposed the Original Sin of monetary union: that EMU was launched without an EU treasury or debt union. This will be tested again and again by bond vigilantes until such a mechanism is created. Europe's hope of fending off markets with "constructive ambiguity" must fail, as will become obvious this week if EU finance ministers fail to flesh out rescue details.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel did not look happy as reporters reminded her of the Bundestag's injunction when she announced that Greece would be saved from the wolves.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine summed up German feelings when it asked why taxpayers should bail out a country that thinks it an outrage to raise the retirement age to 63. "Should Germans have to work in the future until 69 instead of 67 so that Greeks can enjoy early retirement?"

No wonder Mrs Merkel refused to discuss details of a rescue in Brussels, let alone offer hostages to fortune. Yet if she blocks Europe's leap to fiscal union at this fateful moment, she dooms monetary union to failure. Such is the Hobson's Choice that has awaited Berlin ever since Maastricht.

Global bond markets are watching in fascination. They spotted the contradiction in last week's message: that Greece will not be left to default; yet aid is conditional on full Greek compliance. So what if Greece does not – or cannot – comply?

It is a fair bet that China's reserve fund (SAFE) will not invest a single yuan of its $2.4 trillion stash on Greek or Club Med bonds until this ambiguity is replaced by a clear guarantee. We can deduce this from events last year when SAFE liquidated holdings of Fannie Mae and other US agency bonds because they lacked explicit backing from Washington. It switched to US Treasuries. Russia did likewise, though at a more delicate moment in the crisis, and with hostile intent, according to Hank Paulson's memoirs.

The US Federal Reserve averted a mortgage bloodbath by purchasing $1.5 trillion of housing debt. Who will do this for the Greek state, or for Italy? The European Central Bank is banned by the Treaties from buying EMU sovereign debt.

Europe's leaders still refuse to face the awful truth: that monetary union is unworkable as constructed. That different labour markets, different sensitivities to interest rates, different economic structures, have caused the gap between North and South to grow ever wider; that a chunk of Europe is priced out of EMU by 30pc, has swung from boom to bust, and is on the cusp of a debt-deflation spiral. Spanish unions have accepted a 1pc pay deal this year, only to be undercut by reports that Germany's IG Metall may accept zero. Must Spain slash wages to close the gap? What would that do to a country with 19pc unemployment and total debt near 300pc of GDP?

It is easier to restrict talk to Greece, to insist that Athens cuts it deficit by 4pc of GDP this year even as the slump grinds deeper – an 'IMF-style' austerity package, without the IMF cure of devaluation. Can such a policy can work with public debt nearing 125pc of GDP this year? It may tip Greece into a debt-compound trap and prove self-defeating. But there is a broader point. If every Club Med state – plus Britain soon, and France – squeeze fiscal policy at the same time they may bring about Phase II of our depression.

Greek premier George Papandreou is already chafing in any case. His country has become a "guinea pig". Rival EU factions are "playing doctor" and pursuing their own agendas. Brussels was complicit from the start in Greece's tragedy, he told his cabinet, and has since "created a psychology of looming collapse, that risked becoming self-fulfilling".

Does this sound like a man ready to immolate his country to please Germany.