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02/15/10 4:04 PM

#220362 RE: SAMNOTSAMUEL #220229

Sam, I don't know you from adam but after reading many of your posts I have ascertained that you are an extremely logical thinker in terms of trading/investing, and have probably learned how to play the game quite well. Maybe I am still too naive in my investing ideology, but even with the limited knowledge that I have about trading like pros, this company certainly acts like the next Berkshire-Hathaway in it's infancy. If I am correct in my assumptions, then all traders/investors will have the incredible opportunity to make some serious change with this stock in the short & long term. For those that have enough dry-powder lying around, it will not hurt one bit to wait until all doubts are removed; however, some of us must make the decision now, when we can actually afford some of the stock.

Seeing that I am relatively new at this game of stock-trading, I can not say if making fictitious PR's indicating actions taken and going to be taken in the near future is illegal or not, but I am leaning towards it amounting to jail time if it was all bogus info. Another thing that I am not too sure about, is why would the Managing Director of NASDAQ contact a company CEO about listing on his board if there was even an inkling of the legitimacy of the company and what it is proclaiming? Like I said, I am new to all of this, but I can tell you this...the first day that I started my DD of JBII I was completely convinced of buying 100k shares, and have been working towards that goal since sub-dollar range PPS. Perhaps I drank the kool-aid, but to be completely honest with you - it is the best-tasting kool-aid that I have ever had, and most likely, ever will have.

Additionally, I do not know too much about Roth-IRA's either, but from what I do know anyone your age would certainly benefit from putting a few shares of JBII into it.